blind kur (#) Fr.: aveugle Unable to see; sightless. M.E., from O.E. blind "blind," akin to Du., Ger. blind, O.N. blindr, Goth. blinds "blind." Kur "blind," variants kul "squint-eyed," kolok, kalek, kelek, kalâž, kâž, kâj, kâc "squint-eyed," Lori, Laki, Kurd. xêl "cross-eyed, squinting;" Mid.Pers. kôr "blind;" akin to O.Irish coll "one-eyed;" M.Irish goll "blind;" Gk. (Hes.) kellas "one-eyed;" Skt. kāná- "blind of one eye;" PIE *kolnos "one-eyed." The Pers. luc "crossed-eyed" may be related to a separate group containing L. lusca, luscus "one-eyed" (Fr. louche "squinting"). |
blindness kuri (#) Fr.: cécité The state or condition of being sightless. |
night blindness šabkuri (#) Fr.: nyctalopie An eye disease which is the difficulty in seeing at night or in dim light. Opposite of → hemeralopia. Also called → nyctalopia. |