An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 35 Search : cosmic
cosmic scale factor
  کروند ِ مرپل ِ کیهانی   
karvand-e marpal-e keyhâni

Fr.: facteur d'échelle cosmologique   

A quantity, denoted a(t), which describes how the distances between any two galaxies change with time. The physical distance d(t) between two points in the Universe can be expressed as d(t) = R(t).x, where R(t) is the → scale factor and x the → comoving distance between the points. The cosmic scale factor is related to the → redshift, z, by: 1 + z = R(t0)/R(t1), where t0 is the present time and t1 is the time at emission of the radiation. The quantity (1 + z) gives the factor by which the → Universe has expanded in size between t1 and t0. It is also related to the → Hubble parameter by H(t) = R.(t)/R(t), where R.(t) is the time → derivative of the scale factor. In an → expanding Universe the scale factor increases with time. See also the → Friedmann equation.

cosmic; → scale; → factor.

cosmic shear
  کرن ِ کیهانی   
karn-e keyhâni

Fr.: cisaillement cosmique, ~ gravitationnel   

The distortion of images of distant galaxies due to → weak gravitational lensing by → large-scale structures in the → Universe (see, e.g., Kilbinger, M., 2015, arXiv:1411.0115).

cosmic; → shear.

cosmic star formation peak
  چکاد ِ کیهانی ِ دیسش ِ ستارگان   
cakâd-e keyhâni-ye diseš-e setâregân

Fr.: pic de formation stellaire cosmique   

A crucial period in the history of the → Universe, when the bulk of stars in massive galaxies were likely formed. Observations of young stars in distant galaxies at different times in the past have indicated that the → star formation rate peaked at the → redshift of z ~ 2, some 10 billion years ago, before declining by a factor of around ten to its present value (P. Madau & Dickinson, 2014, arXiv:1403.0007).

cosmic; → star; → formation; → peak.

cosmic string
  ریسمان ِ کیهانی   
rismân-e keyhâni

Fr.: corde cosmique   

A hypothetical → cosmic defect predicted to be infinitesimally small in cross section but enormously long and massive. Cosmic strings should not be confounded with → subatomic strings predicted by → string theory.

cosmic; → string.

cosmic texture
  بافت ِ کیهانی   
bâft-e keyhâni

Fr.: texture cosmique   

A type of → cosmic defect in the fabric of space-time predicted in some models of the early Universe.

cosmic; → texture

cosmic time
  زمان ِ کیهانی   
zamân-e keyhâni

Fr.: temps cosmique   

The time as measured by a clock that is at rest relative to the expanding space, and that has been set to zero at the very beginning, the time of the hypothetical → Big Bang singularity. The cosmic time is interpreted as the → age of the Universe (Einstein-online).

cosmic; → time.

cosmic web
  وپ ِ کیهانی   
vap-e keyhâni

Fr.: toile cosmique   

The entire, large-scale structure of the → Universe in which → galaxy clusters are connected by → cosmic filaments (made up of → dark matter and → baryons) in a spongelike geometry, while the low-density → voids are connected to each other by low-density tunnels. The term cosmic web was coined in 1996 by J. Richard Bond et al. (Nature, 380, 603).

cosmic; → web.

cosmic-ray burst
  بلک ِ پرتوهای ِ کیهانی   
belk-e partowhâ-ye keyhâni

Fr.: sursaut de rayons cosmiques   

An intense beam of cosmic rays coming from any direction on the sky, which originates outside the solar system.

cosmic; → ray; → burst.

cosmic-ray event
  رویداد ِ پرتوهای ِ کیهانی   
ruydâd-e partowhâ-ye keyhâni

Fr.: événement des rayons cosmiques, un cosmique   

Spurious signals in CCD frames caused by ionizing radiation which appear as a set of pixels with intense values sparsely scattered over the CCD frame. High energy particles generate muons, which deposit around 80 electrons per micron in silicon. With a collection depth of 10-20 microns, a cosmic-ray event is seen on a CCD frame as having a signal of up to a few thousand electrons, usually concentrated in one or two pixels. Although attributed to cosmic-ray hits, they may also be due to background terrestrial radiation.

cosmic rays; → event.

cosmic-ray ionization
  یونش ِ پرتوهای ِ کیهانی   
yoneš-e partowhâ-ye keyhâni

Fr.: ionisation par rayons cosmiques   

The ionization of → interstellar medium (ISM) gas by → cosmic rays. Cosmic rays are a primary source of ionization, competing with stellar → ultraviolet photons and → X-rays produced by embedded → young stellar objects. Cosmic rays play a key role in the chemistry and dynamics of the interstellar medium. The ionization fraction in turn drives the chemistry of → molecular clouds and controls the coupling of the gas with the Galactic → magnetic field. Moreover, cosmic rays represent an important source of → heating for → molecular clouds because the energy of primary and secondary electrons produced by the ionization process is in large part converted into heat by → inelastic collisions with ISM atoms and → molecules (see, e.g., Padovanit et al., 2009, arXiv:0904.4149).

cosmic; → ray; → ionization.

cosmic-ray shower
  تندبار ِ پرتوهای ِ کیهانی، رگبار ِ ~   
tondbâr-e partowhâ-ye keyhâni, ragbâr-e ~

Fr.: gerbe cosmique   

An extensive (many kilometres wide) → cascade of ionized particles and electromagnetic radiation produced in the atmosphere when a → primary cosmic rays collides with atmospheric nuclei creating many → secondary cosmic rays. Also known as → air shower.

cosmic; → ray; → shower.

high-energy cosmic rays
  پرتوهای ِ کیهانی ِ مه‌کاروژ، ~ ~ پرکاروژ   
partowhâ-ye keyhâni-ye meh-kâruž, ~ ~ por-kâruž

Fr.: rayons cosmiques de hautes énergies   

Cosmic rays which typically have energies in the range 1015 to 1020 electron volts. For the most part, they are protons and other atomic nuclei, and come from distant cosmos, perhaps even from outside our own Galaxy.

high; → energy; → cosmic; → ray.

primary cosmic rays
  پرتوهای ِ کیهانی ِ نخستان   
partowhâ-ye keyhâni-ye naxostân

Fr.: rayons cosmiques primaires   

The → cosmic rays which arrive on the Earth's → atmosphere from the outer space. The primary cosmic rays are very high energy → protons and to a lesser extent heavier nuclei which rain upon the Earth from all diretions in the outer space. They contain about 90% protons, 7% → alpha particles and about 1% still heavier nuclei of amost all the atoms from Li to Ni ( → mass number< 60). See also: → secondary cosmic rays.

primary; → cosmic; → ray.

secondary cosmic rays
  پرتوهای ِ کیهانی ِ دومان   
partowhâ-ye keyhâni-ye dovomân

Fr.: rayons cosmiques secondaires   

A burst of secondary charged and neutral particles arising when → primary cosmic rays collide with the atmospheric oxygen or nitrogen nuclei in the upper atmosphere. The collision produces mostly → pions (π), along with some → kaons (K), → antiprotons, and → antineutrons. Neutral pions very quickly decay, usually into two → gamma rays. Charged pions also decay but after a longer time. Therefore, some of the pions may collide with yet another nucleus of the air before decaying, which would be into a → muon and a → neutrino. The fragments of the incoming nucleus also interact again, also producing new particles.

secondary; → cosmic; → ray.

ultra-high-energy cosmic ray (UHECR)
  پرتوهای ِ کیهانی ِ اولتر-مه-کاروژ   
partowhâ-ye keyhâni-ye ultar-meh-kâruž

Fr.: rayons cosmiques de très haute énergie   

A particle belonging to the most energetic population of → cosmic rays with an energy above ~ 1020 → electron-volts. The UHECRs constitute a real challenge for theoretical models, because their acceleration requires extreme conditions hardly fulfilled by known astrophysical objects. See also → UHECR puzzle, → Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cutoff.

ultra- + → high-energy cosmic ray.

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