hover parjâ zadan, parjâyidan Fr.: planer 1) To remain in one place in the air by rapidly beating the wings. M.E. hoveren, frequentative of hoven "hover, tarry, linger," of unknown origin. Parjâ zadan (on the model of darjâ zadan "to march in the same place, moving one's legs up and down without going forward"), from par zadan darjâ "to beat the wings at the same place," from par zadan "to beat the wings," from par "wing, → feather," zadan, → beat, + darjâ "in the same place," from dar, → in, + jâ, → place. |
hovercraft parjânâv Fr.: aéroglisseur A vehicle capable of travelling over land or water on a cushion of air. |
hovering parjâ, parjâyeš Fr.: vol stationnaire The act of one who hovers. |