An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < -es -it -sc 201 951 abe abs abs aca acc acc aco act ada adh ado aer aft air Alf alg alk alp Alt alt amb ana And ang ani ann ant ant ant apo app app Apu arc arg Arn art ass ast ast ast atm ato att aur aut avo azi bac bal bar bar bat Bea Bel bet bia big bin bio Bir bla bla blo Blu Bok boo bou box bre Bri bro bur cal cal Can cap car Car cat cau cel cen cen cha Cha cha che Chi chr cir cir civ cla clo clo CMB coa coe coh col col col com com com com com com com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con coo cor cor cor Cos cos cos cou cou cra cri cro cry cul cur cyc D l dar dat day dea dec dec dec def def deg Del Den dep der det deu dew dic dif dif dil dip dir dis dis dis dis dis diu dog Dop dou Dra Dsc dus dwa dyn Dys Ear ecc eco edg egg Ein Ela ele ele ele ele ell eme emp enc eng ent epi equ equ equ eru eth Eur eve exa exc exe exi exo exp ext ext ext fab fai Fan fea fem fer fie fil fir fir fla fli flu foc for for for fra fre fre fri fun fuz gal gal gal Gam gau Gau gen geo geo geo geo Gib glo gov gra gra gra gra gre gro Gui H-a hal Ham har Hay hea hei hel Hel her het hie hig hoa hom hor hot Hub Hug hur hyd hyd hyl hyp ice ide ima ima imp imp inc inc ind ine inf inf inf ing inn ins ins int int int int int int int int inv inv ion iro Isl iso iso Jab jet Jov Jup Kar Kep kil Kip Kra Lag Lam Lan Lar las law lea Leg Leo lev lig lim lin lin lin lit loc loc log Lor low lum lun lun Lym Mac mag mag mag mag mag mai Mal map mas mas mat Mau mea mea med Men mer Mes met met MHD mic mid mil min mir mix mod mol mom moo mor mov mul mur n-b nan nat nea neg Ner neu new New NGC noc nom non non nor nor nuc nuc nul nut obj obl obs occ oct off old one ope opp opt opt orb ord org Ori osc oth ove Owl P-s Pal par par par par Pas pat pec pen per per per per per Pha pha pho pho pho phy pie pix Pla pla pla pla Pli Poi pol pol pol pol por pos pos pow pre pre pre pre pri pri pri pro pro pro pro pro pro pro pub pul pyc qua qua qua qua qui rad rad rad rad rad rad rai ran rar Ray rea Rea rec rec red red ref ref reg rel rel rel ren res res res res ret rev Ric rig rin roc roo rot rot rur S5- Sal sat sca sca sch sci Scu sec sec sed sel sel sem seq set sha she sho sid sie sil sim sin sit sky slo sno sod sol sol sol sol son sou spa spa spe spe spe spe sph spi spo squ sta sta sta sta ste ste ste Sti sto str str sub sub sub sul sup sup sup sup sur sur syl syn sys tal Tay tel ten ter tex the the the the Tho thr tid tim Tit too Tor tra tra Tra tra Tra tri Tri tru tub tur two Typ ult ult unc uni uni uni upl ura uti val var vec vel ver Ver vie vir vis vis vol W-R war wav wav wea Wei wha wid win WN3 Wol wri xen yok zen zij > >>

Number of Results: 13176 Search : in
Malmquist bias
  ورک ِ مالمکوییست   
varak-e Malmquist

Fr.: biais de Malmquist   

A selection effect in observational astronomy. If a sample of objects (galaxies, quasars, stars, etc.) is flux-limited, then the observer will see an increase in average luminosity with distance, because the less luminous sources at large distances will not be detected.

Named after the Swedish astronomer Gunnar Malmquist (1893-1982); → bias.

Malmquist correction
  ارشایش ِ مالمکوییست   
aršâyeš-e Malmquist

Fr.: correction de Malmquist   

A correction introduced into star counts distributed by apparent magnitude.

Malmquist bias; → correction.

Malus' law
  قانون ِ مالوس   
qânun-e Malus (#)

Fr.: loi de Malus   

If the light wave entering an → analyzer is → linearly polarized, the intensity of the wave emerging from the analyzer is I = k I0 cos2φ, where k is the coefficient of transmission of the analyzer, I0 is the intensity of the incident light, and φ is the angle between the planes of → polarization of the incident light and the light emerging from the analyzer.

Named after Etienne Louis Malus (1775-1812), French physicist who also discovered polarization by reflection at a glass surface (1808); → law.

Mamun's method
  روش ِ مأمون   
raveš-e M'amun

Fr.: méthod de Mamun   

A method for deriving the Earth's size based on measuring a length of meridian between two points corresponding to the difference between the respective latitudes. The Abbasid caliph al-Ma'mun (ruling from 813 to 833 A.D.), appointed two teams of surveyors to this task. They departed from a place in the desert of Sinjad (nineteen farsangs from Mosul and forty-three from Samarra), heading north and south, respectively. They proceeded until they found that the height of the Sun at noon had increased (or decreased) by one degree compared to that for the starting point. Knowing the variation of the Sun's → declination due to its apparent → annual motion, they could relate the length of the arc of meridian to the difference between the latitudes of the two places. They repeated the measurement a second time, and so found that the length of one degree of latitude is somewhat between 56 and 57 Arabic miles (Biruni, Tahdid). 360 times this number yielded the Earth's circumference, and from it the radius was deduced.
See also: → Eratosthenes' method, → Biruni's method.

The seventh Abbasid caliph Abu Ja'far Abdullâh al-Ma'mûn, son of Hârûn al-Rashîd (786-833 A.D.); → method.

  ۱) مرد؛ ۲) مرتو، انسان   
1) mard; 2) martu, ensân

Fr.: homme   

1) An adult male person.
2) A member of the species Homo sapiens. See also → human, → anthropo-.

M.E., from O.E. man, mann "human being, person" (O.S., O.H.G. man, Ger. Mann, O.N. maðr, Goth. manna "man"), from PIE base *man-; cf. Skt. mánu-, más- "man, person, husband;" Av. manu- in proper noun Manus-ciθra- (Pers. Manucehr); O.C.S. moži, Russ. muž "man, male."

(Mid.Pers./Mod.Pers.) mard "man," mardom "mankind, people," cognate with mordan "to die," → death; Sogd. martu, marti "man, human;" O.Pers. martiya-; Av. marəta- "mortal, man," maša- "mortal;" cf. Skt. márta- "mortal, man;" Gk. emorten "died;" L. mortalis "subject to death;" PIE base *merto-, *morto-. Ensân, loan from Ar.


Fr.: gérer   

To direct or control the use of; to exercise executive, administrative, and supervisory direction of.

Probably from It. maneggiare "to handle, train (a horse)," from L. manus "hand."

Gonârdan, from Mid.Pers vinârtan, variant vinâristan "to organize, arrange, put in order," from vi- "apart, away from" (Av. vi- "apart, away from, out;" O.Pers. viy- "apart, away;" cf. Skt. vi- "apart, asunder, away, out;" L. vitare "to avoid, turn aside") + âristan, ârâstan "to arrange, adorn;" O.Pers. râs- "to be right, straight, true," râsta- "straight, true" (Mod.Pers. râst "straight, true"), râd- "to prepare," Av. râz- "to direct, put in line, set," Av. razan- "order," Gk. oregein "to stretch out," L. regere "to lead straight, guide, rule," p.p. rectus "right, straight," Skt. rji- "to make straight or right, arrange, decorate," PIE base *reg- "move in a straight line."


Fr.: gestion   

The act or manner of managing; handling, direction, or control.

Verbal noun of → manage.

  گنارگر، گنارنده   
gonârgar, gonârandé

Fr.: gestionnaire   

A person who manages; a person who has controls or directs an institution, a team, a division, or part it.

Agent noun of → manage.

Mandelbrot set
  هنگرد ِ ماندلبروت   
hangard-e Mandelbrot

Fr.: ensemble de Mandelbrot   

A set of points in the complex plane, the boundary of which forms a fractal with varying shapes at different magnifications. Mathematically, it is the set of all C values for which the iteration zn+1 = zn2 + C, starting from z0 = 0, does not diverge to infinity.

Discovered by Benoît Mandelbrot (1924-) a Polish-born French mathematician, best known as the "father of fractal geometry;" → set.

mânovr (#)

Fr.: mainoeuvre   

A movement or action to accomplish a change of position.

From Fr. manoeuvre "manipulation, maneuver," from O.Fr. manovre "manual work," from M.L. manuopera, from manuoperare "work with the hands," from L. manu operari, from manu ablative of manus "hand" + operari "to work," → operate.

manganez (#)

Fr.: manganèse   

Metallic chemical element; symbol Mn. Atomic number 25; atomic weight 54.938; melting point about 1,244°C; boiling point about 1,962°C.

The name derives from the Latin magnes for "magnet" since pyrolusite (MnO2) has magnetic properties. It was discovered by the Swedish pharmacist and chemist Carl-Wilhelm Scheele in 1774.

Manganez, loan from Fr.

  ۱) نموسار؛ ۲) نموساردن   
1) nemusâr; 2) nemusârdan

Fr.: 1) manifeste; 2) manifester   

1) Readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain.
2) To make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding; show plainly (

M.E., from O.Fr. manifest "evident, palpable," or from L. manifestus "plainly apprehensible, clear, apparent, evident;" "proved by direct evidence;" "caught in the act," probably from manus "hand," + -festus "struck; (able to be) seized."

From Torbat-Heydariye-yi nemusâr "evident, conspicuous, visible," from nemu-, nemudan "to show, display" from Mid.Pers. nimūdan, from ne- "down; into;" O.Pers./Av. ni- "down; below; into," → ni-, + mu- (as in âz-mu-dan, â-mu-dan, far-mu-dan, pey-mu-dan, etc.); Av. mā(y)- "to measure," → display, + -sâr a suffix of state, position, similarity.


Fr.: manifestation   

1) An act of manifesting.
2) The state of being manifested.
3) Outward or perceptible indication; materialization.
4. A public demonstration, as for political effect (

Verbal noun of → manifest; → -tion.

baslâ (#)

Fr.: variété   

A → topological space in which every point has a → neighborhood which resembles → Euclidean space (Rn), but in which the global structure may be different. An example of a one-dimensional manifold would be a circle; if you zoom around a point the circle looks locally like a line (R1). An example of a two-dimensional manifold would be a sphere; a small portion looks locally like a plane (R2). See also → flat manifold.

O.E. monigfald (Anglian), manigfeald (W.Saxon) "varied in appearance," from manig "many" + -feald "fold."

Baslâ, from bas "many, much" (Mid.Pers. vas "many, much;" O.Pers. vasiy "at will, greatly, utterly;" Av. varəmi "I wish," vasô, vasə "at one's pleasure or will," from vas- "to will, desire, wish") + "fold."

  پارسنگ، مانتیس   
pârsang, mântis (#)

Fr.: mantisse   

The fractional or the decimal part of a → common logarithm. For example, log10 4000 = 3.602, where the → characteristic is 3 and the mantissa 0.602.

From L. mantis "makeweight, addition," of unknown origin. Introduced by Henry Briggs (1561-1630).


  ۱) روپوش؛ ۲) گوشته   
1) rupuš (#); 2) gušté (#)

Fr.: manteau   

1) General: Something that covers, envelops, or conceals. → grain mantle; → plasma mantle.
2) Geology: → Earth's mantle.

O.E. mentel "loose, sleeveless cloak," from L. mantellum "cloak," perhaps from a Celtic source.

1) Rupuš "over-garment, cloak," from ru "surface, face; aspect; appearance" (Mid.Pers. rôy, rôdh "face;" Av. raoδa- "growth," in plural form "appearance," from raod- "to grow, sprout, shoot;" cf. Skt. róha- "rising, height") + puš "covering, mantle," from pušidan "to cover; to put on" (Mid.Pers. pôšidan, pôš- "to cover; to wear;" cf. Mid.Pers. pôst; Mod.Pers. pust "skin, hide;" O.Pers. pavastā- "thin clay envelope used to protect unbaked clay tablets;" Skt. pavásta- "cover," Proto-Indo-Iranian *pauastā- "cloth").
2) Gušté, from gušt "flesh, meat, pulp of fruit;" Mid.Pers. gôšt "meat;" Av. gah- "to eat;" cf. Skt. ghas- "to eat, devour," ghásati "eats" + nuance suffix .

many-body problem
  پراسه‌ی ِ N جسم   
parâse-ye N jesm

Fr.: problème à N corps   

The mathematical problem of solving the equations of motions of any number of bodies which interact gravitationally. More specifically, to find their positions and velocities at any point in the future or the past, given their present positions, masses, and velocities.

Many, from M.E. mani, meni, O.E. monig, manig; → body; → problem.

  ۱) نقشه؛ ۲) نقشه برداری کردن   
1) naqšé; 2) naqšé bardâri kardan

Fr.: 1) carte, plan; 2) cartographier   

1a) A representation usually on a flat surface of an area of the Earth or a portion of the sky, showing them in their respective forms, sizes, and relationships.
1b) Math.: Same as → mapping.
2) To make a map of; show or establish the features of, details of.

Shortening of M.E. mapemounde "map of the world," from M.L. mappa mundi "map of the world," first element from L. mappa "napkin, cloth" (said to be of Punic origin) + L. mundi "of the world," from mundus "universe, world."

Naqšé "map," from naqš "painting, embroidering, carving," variant of negâštan, negâridan "to paint," negâr "picture, figure," → graph.

map projection
  فراشانش ِ نقشه‌نگاری   
farâšâneš-e naqšenegâri

Fr.: projection cartographique   

The theory and method of transforming the features, geometry, and topology on a sphere surface (in particular the spherical Earth) onto a plane.

map; → projection.

afrâ (#)

Fr.: érable   

Any tree of the genus Acer. The maple leaf is an emblem of Canada.

M.E. mapel, O.E. mapul-, related to O.N. möpurr, O.S. mapulder, M.L.G. mapeldorn.

Afrâ, of Tabari origin.

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