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atmospheric absorption daršam-e javvi Fr.: absorption atmosphérique The absorption of → electromagnetic radiation in the → atmosphere mainly by → water vapor, → carbon dioxide, and oxygen. The atmosphere introduces two more limiting factors in → remote sensing: → atmospheric scattering and → atmospheric turbulence. → atmospheric; → absorption. |
atmospheric circulation parhuneš-e havâsepehri Fr.: circulation atmosphérique The large-scale movements of air around areas of high and low pressure whereby heat is distributed on the surface of the Earth. Atmospheric motion is driven by uneven heating of the planet. The atmosphere (and ocean) → transfers the excess heat from → tropics to → poles. The flow is determined by balance between → pressure gradients and the → Coriolis effect. → atmospheric; → circulation. |
atmospheric dispersion pâšeš-e javvi Fr.: dispersion atmosphérique The splitting of starlight into a spectrum in the atmosphere because the atmosphere acts as a refracting prism. This phenomenon brings about a practical problem for spectroscopic observations using a slit. → differential refraction; → atmospheric refraction. → atmospheric; → dispersion. |
atmospheric emission gosil-e javvi Fr.: émission atmosphérique The emission of electromagnetic radiation from the atmosphere due to thermal and → non-thermal processes. → Thermal emission comes mainly from → water vapor. Non-thermal processes result in emission lines oxygen (optical) and OH (near-IR). Atmospheric emission is a very significant source of noise in astronomical observations. See also → airglow, → aurora. → atmospheric; → emission. |
atmospheric extinction xâmuši-ye javvi Fr.: extinction atmosphérique The decrease in the intensity of light from a celestial body due to absorption and scattering by Earth's atmosphere. It increases from the zenith to the horizon and affects short wavelengths more than long wavelengths, so that objects near the horizon appear redder than they do at the zenith. → atmospheric; → extinction. |
atmospheric muon muon-e javvi, ~ havâsepehri Fr.: muon atmosphérique A → subatomic particle produced when → primary cosmic rays, impinge on the Earth's atmosphere producing a particle cascade, in which secondary particles decay into → muons. In the energy range up to 100 → GeV atmospheric muons come mostly from the decay of secondary → pions: π±→ μ± + anti-νμ. At higher energies, the → kaon contribution to the muon flux become significant, reaching the asymptotic value of 27% at about 10 TeV: K±→ μ± + anti-νμ. → atmospheric; → muon. |
atmospheric refraction šekast-e javvi Fr.: réfraction atmosphérique The shift in apparent direction of a celestial object caused by the bending of light while passing through the Earth's atmosphere. Since the density of the atmosphere decreases with altitude, the starlight will bend more as it continues down through the atmosphere. As a result, a star will appear higher in the sky than its true direction. → atmospheric; → refraction. |
atomic diffusion paxš-e atomi Fr.: diffusion atomique |
atomic proposition gozâre-ye atomi Fr.: proposition atomique In → propositional logic, a → sentence without any → connectives. See also → molecular proposition. → atomic; → proposition. |
atomic transition gozareš-e atomi Fr.: transition atomique A change in the → energy level or → state of an → atom in which a → quantum of energy is either gained or lost. See also → forbidden transition; → permitted transition; → semiforbidden transition. → atomic; → transition. |
attention âtâneš Fr.: attention 1) The act or faculty of attending, especially by directing the mind to an object. |
attenuation tonokeš (#) Fr.: atténuation The falling off of the energy density of radiation with distance from the source, or with passage through an absorbing or scattering medium. Verbal noun of → attenuate. |
attenuation coefficient hamgar-e tonokeš Fr.: coefficient d'bsorption The fraction of a beam of → X-rays or → gamma rays that is absorbed or scattered per unit thickness of the → absorber. The linear attenuation coefficient, denoted by the symbol μ, appears in the equation I(x) = I0e-μx, where I(x) is the intensity at depth of x cm and I0 is the original intensity. → attenuation; → coefficient. |
attenuation factor karvand-e tonokeš Fr.: facteur d'atténuation The ratio of the radiation intensity after traversing a layer of matter to its intensity before. → attenuation; → factor. |
attraction darkašeš Fr.: attraction The act or capability of attracting. A physical force (gravitational, electric, magnetic, etc.) exerted by material bodies. Attraction, n. from → attract. |
attribution âbâžeš Fr.: attribution 1) The act of attributing. Verbal noun of → attribute. |
Auger electron elektron-e Auger Fr.: électron d'Auger An electron that is emitted when an electron from a higher → energy level falls into a → vacancy in an inner shell, according to the → Auger-Meitner effect. The process usually occurs when the atom is bombarded with high energy electrons. If the collision ejects an inner-shell electron, an electron from a higher level will quickly drop to this lower level to fill the vacancy. Most of the time, the energy is released in the form of a photon. But sometimes the energy is transferred to another electron, which is ejected from the atom. → Auger-Meitner effect; → electron. |
auroral emission gosil-e uše-yi Fr.: émission aurorale The → electromagnetic radiation emitted in planetary atmospheres involving the → aurora phenomenon. |
auroral zone zonâr-e uše-yi Fr.: zone aurorale A roughly circular band around either geomagnetic pole above which there is a maximum of auroral activity. It lies about 10 to 15° of geomagnetic latitude from the geomagnetic poles. |
authentication râstinšomâri, râstin-âzmâyi Fr.: authentification Computers: The process by which a user's identity is checked within the network to ensure that the user has access to the requested resources. Verbal noun of → authenticate. |
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