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Orion OB1 Association âhazeš-e OB1 Šekârgar, ~ ~ Oryon Fr.: Association Orion OB1 An → OB association consisting of several
dozen → hot stars
of → spectral types O and B
(→ O star, → B star).
The Orion OB1 association consists of several subgroups, first
divided by Blaauw (1964) into four subgroups. The subgroups differ
in age and gas and dust content: → Orion; → OB association. |
Orion Spur šaxâk-e šekârgar Fr.: éperon d'Orion Same as → Orion Arm. |
Orion's Belt kamarband-e Šekârgar, ~ Orion Fr.: Ceinture d'Orion Three prominent stars in the central regions of the constellation → Orion that align to form the "belt" of the mythological Hunter. They are → Alnitak (ζ Ori), → Alnilam (ε Ori), and → Mintaka (δ Ori). The easternmost star Alnitak is separated from the middle one, Alnilam, by 1°.36, and the westernmost Mintaka has an angular distance of 1°.23 from Alnilam. Their distance is between 800 and 1,300 → light-years from Earth. They probably formed inside the same → molecular cloud less than 10 million years ago. |
Orion's Sword Šamšir-e Šekârgar, ~ Oryon Fr.: Epée d'Orion An astronomical → asterism in the constellation → Orion forming an almost vertical line beneath → Orion's Belt. From north to south, the most prominent objects in the Sword are the cluster NGC 1981, the star → 42 Orionis, the famous → Orion Nebula, and the Sword's brightest star → Iota Orionis (→ Hatsya). None of these objects is particularly bright in itself, but their proximity to one another and the nebulosity across much of this region makes the Sword stand out clearly in the night sky. |
Orion-Cygnus Arm bâzu-ye šekârgar-mâkiyân Fr.: bras Orion-Cygne Same as → Orion Arm. |
Orionids Šekârgariyân Fr.: orionides A meteor shower that appears to emanate from the constellation → Orion. It peaks between October 14 and 20 with about 20 meteors per hour. |
orthogonal ardâkonj Fr.: orthogonal In elementary geometry, pertaining to or involving right angles or perpendiculars. → ortho- + gonia "angle," related to gony "knee;" L. genu "knee;" Mod.Pers. zânu "knee;" Av. žnav-, žnu- "knee;" Skt. janu-; PIE base *g(e)neu-, see below, + → -al Ardâkonj, from ardâ-, → ortho-, + konj "angle, corner, confined place" (variants xong "corner, angle," Tabari kânj, Kurd. kunj, Hamadâni kom), maybe from the PIE base *g(e)neu-, as above, and related to Mod.Pers. zânu "knee" (Av. žnu-), Skt. kona- "angle, corner," Gk. gony, gonia, L. cuneus "a wedge," Albanian (Gheg dialect) kân "angle, corner," Albanian (Toks) kënd "angle, corner." |
orthogonal functions karyâhâ-ye ardâkonj Fr.: fonctions orthogonales A set of functions, any two of which, by analogy to orthogonal vectors, vanish if their product is summed by integration over a specified interval. → orthogonal; → function. |
orthogonal lines xatthâ-ye ardâkonj Fr.: droites orthogonales Perpendicular lines. → orthogonal; → line. |
orthogonal trajectory tarâyešâne-ye ardâkonj Fr.: trajectoire orthogonale Math.: An → isogonal trajectory where the family of curves are cut at right angles. → orthogonal; → trajectory. |
orthogonal vectors bordârhâ-ye ardâkonj Fr.: vecteurs orthogonaux Two non-zero vectors which are perpendicular, i.e. their → scalar product is zero. → orthogonal; → vector. |
orthogonality ardâkonji Fr.: orthogonalité 1) The property of → orthogonal functions. → orthogonal; → -ity. |
orthonormal vectors bordârhâ-ye ardâhanjârvar Fr.: vecteurs orthonormaux Two non-zero vectors that are → orthogonal and have magnitude 1. → orthogonal; → vector. |
oscillation naveš (#) Fr.: oscillation The state of any quantity when the value of that quantity is continually changing so that it passes through maximum and minimum values. Verbal noun of → oscillate. |
oscillation mode tarz-e naveš, mod-e ~ Fr.: modes d'oscillation Same as → pulsation mode. → oscillation; → mode. |
osculation âbuseš Fr.: osculation The contact between two osculating curves or the like. Verbal noun of → osculate |
Ostriker-Peebles criterion sanjidâr-e Ostriker-Peebles Fr.: critère d'Ostriker-Peebles An approximate empirical criterion for the stability of a → galactic disk against its collapse to form a bar. The disk is stable if the following relation holds: T/|W| < 0.14, where T is the rotational → kinetic energy and |W| is the absolute value of the gravitational → potential energy. While the → Toomre criterion applies only to small linear perturbations, the Ostriker-Peebles criterion describes global modes. Ostriker & Peebles, 1973, ApJ 186, 467; → criterion. |
outer Lindblad resonance (OLP) bâzâvâyi-ye Lindblad-e boruni Fr.: résonance de Lindblad externe A → Lindblad resonance expressed by: Ωp = Ω + κ/m. → outer; → Lindblad resonance. |
overtone abarton (#) Fr.: harmonique A note of lesser intensity and higher frequency than the fundamental note, and superimposed upon the latter to give a note of characteristic quality. Overtones whose frequencies are an integral multiple of the fundamental are said to form a harmonic series. The fundamental with a frequency f1 is the first harmonic. The frequency 2f1 is the first overtone and so on. |
oxidation oksâyeš (#) Fr.: oxydation The combination of → oxygen with a substance, or the removal of → hydrogen from it. Verbal noun of → oxidize. |
<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec seq sim Sod sor spe sta ste sto sub sup syn the Tho Tor tra tru und vec vio wav Wil zir > >>