An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec seq sim Sod sor spe sta ste sto sub sup syn the Tho Tor tra tru und vec vio wav Wil zir > >>

Number of Results: 3105 Search : on
recursive definition
  هدارش ِ باز‌آیشی   
hedâreš-e bâzâyeši

Fr.: définition récursive   

Math.: A definition of a function from which values of the same function can be calculated in a finite number of steps. In mathematical logic and computer science, a recursive definition is used to define an object in terms of itself. An example is the → factorial: n! = n*(n-1)!

recursive; → definition.

red horizontal branch star
  ستاره‌ی ِ سرخ ِ شاخه‌ی ِ افقی   
setâre-ye sorx-e šâxe-ye ofoqi

Fr.: étoile rouge de la branche horizontale   

A star found on the red part of the → horizontal branch. According to theoretical models, these stars result from the evolution of stars with a mass around 0.8 Msun, higher than that giving rise to → BHB stars. Upon helium burning in their cores, the remnant envelope of the red giant collapses.

red; → horizontal; → branch; → star.

reddening function
  کریای ِ سرخش   
karyâ-ye sorxeš

Fr.: fonction de rougissement   

The normalized interstellar extinction at a given wavelength. It is defined by f(λ) = A(λ)/A(Hβ) - 1, where A(λ) is the extinction at the given wavelength and A(Hβ) the extinction at Hβ, with f(Hβ) = 0. It is used to → de-redden observed fluxes: I(λ)/I(Hβ) = F(λ)/F(Hβ).10c(Hβ).f(λ), where I represents the flux in the absence of extinction and F the observed flux affected by extinction, c(Hβ) being the → reddening coefficient.

reddening; → function.

redshift space distortion
  چولگی ِ فضای ِ سرخ-کیب   
cowlegi-ye fazâ-ye sorx-kib

Fr.: distorsion dûe aux vitesses particulières sur la ligne de visée   

The distortion observed in → redshift space of → galaxy clusters caused by peculiar velocities of the members (→ peculiar velocity). In a perfectly homogeneous → Friedmann-Lemaitre Universe the redshifts would accurately measure radial distances from the observer, and the mapping from real space to redshift space would simply be an identity. In an inhomogeneous Universe the peculiar velocities associated with any inhomogeneous structure will introduce a distortion in this mapping (N. Kaiser, 1987, MNRAS 227, 1). See also: → fingers of God, → Kaiser effect.

redshift; → space; → distortion;.

redshift-distance relation
  بازانش ِ سرخ‌کیب-دورا   
bâzâneš-e sorxkib-durâ

Fr.: relation décalage vers le rouge-distance   

The correlation, first established by E. Hubble, between the cosmological recession velocities of galaxies and their distances.

redshift; → distance; → relation.

reduced Planck constant
  پایای ِ پلانک ِ باز‌هازیده   
pâyâ-ye Planck-e bâzhâzidé

Fr.: constante de Planck réduite   

The → Planck constant divided by 2π and denoted ħ, pronounced h-bar. Also called the → Dirac constant.

Reduced, p.p. of → reduce; → Planck's constant.

reduced Planck's constant
  پایای ِ پلانک ِ باز‌هازیده   
pâyâ-ye Planck-e bâzhâzidé

Fr.: constante de Planck réduite   

reduced Planck constant.

reduced Planck constant.


Fr.: réduction   

1) In → data processing, the transformation of data from a "raw" form to some usable form.
2) Chem.: The removal of → oxygen from a substance, or the addition of → hydrogen to it. The term is also used more generally to include any reaction in which an atom gains → electrons.

Verbal noun of → reduce.

bâztâb (#)

Fr.: réflexion   

The return of radiation after striking a surface, without change in wavelength. If the surface is smooth, reflection is regular, otherwise it is diffuse. → diffuse reflection; → specular reflection.

Verbal noun of → reflect.

reflection coefficient
  همگر ِ بازتاب   
hamgar-e bâztâb (#)

Fr.: coefficient de réflexion   

The ratio given by the → amplitude (or energy) of a reflected wave divided by the amplitude (or energy) of the incident wave.

reflection; → coefficient.

reflection factor
  کروند ِ بازتاب   
karvand-e bâztâb

Fr.: facteur de réflexion   

The ratio of total flux that is reflected from a surface to the incident flux. Also called reflectance, reflectivity.

reflection; → factor.

reflection nebula
  میغ ِ بازتابی   
miq-e bâztâbi

Fr.: nébuleuse par réflexion   

A type of nebula that is visible from its reflection of starlight. Bright stars near reflection nebulae emit light into the region that is reflected by the large amount of dust there. The size of the dust grains causes blue light to be reflected more efficiently than red light, so these reflection nebulae frequently appear blue in color.

reflection; → nebula.

šekast (#)

Fr.: réfraction   

1) Optics: The change of direction which a beam of light undergoes as it enters a medium of different → refractive index.
2) Acoustics: The change in direction in sound waves on reaching the boundary between two media.
3) Seismology: The bending of a seismic wave as it enters a material of different density.

From L.L. refractionem (nominative refractio) "a breaking up," from L. refractus, p.p. of refringere "to break up," from re- "back" + combining form of frangere "to break," from PIE base *bhreg- "to break" (cf. Goth. brikan, O.E. brecan "to break;" Lith. brasketi "crash, crack").

Šekast, past stem of šekastan "to break, split;" Mid.Pers. škastan "to break;" Av. scind-, scand "to beak, cleave;" Proto-Iranian *skand- "to break, cleave;" PIE sken- "to cut off."


Fr.: réfutation   

The act or process of refuting.

refute; → -tion.


Fr.: regénération   

1) Act of regenerating; state of being regenerated.
2) Electronics: A feedback process in which energy from the output of an amplifier is fed back to the grid circuit to reinforce the input.
3) Biology: The restoration or new growth by an organism of organs, tissues, etc., that have been lost, removed, or injured (

re-; → generation.

nâhiyé (#)

Fr.: région   

A large, usually continuous segment of a surface or space; area. → H II region.

M.E., from Anglo-Fr. regioun; O.Fr. region, from L. regionem (nominative regio) "district, country, direction, boundary," from regere "to direct," cognate with Pers. râst, → right.

Nâhiyé, loan from Ar. nâHiyat.


Fr.: enregistrement   

1) The act or instance of registering.
2) An entry in a register (

register; → -tion.

  ۱) پسرفت؛ ۲) وایازی، وایازش   
1) pasraft (#); 2) vâyâzi (#), vâyâzeš (#)

Fr.: régression   

1) Astro.: → retrograde motion.
2) Geology: A retreat of the sea from land areas. Possible causes include a drop in sea level or uplift.
3) Math.: A method for fitting a curve through a set of points using some goodness-of-fit criterion. The most common type of regression is → linear regression.

From L. regression-, from regress-, stem of regredi "to go back," from → re- "back" + gradi "to step, walk."

1) → retrograde.
2) On the model of → progression, from vâ-re- + yâzi, yâzeš, verbal noun of yâzidan "to stretch out the arms; grow up" (Parthian Mid.Pers. y'd "to reach a goal, come to, stretch out;" Av. yat- "to reach, take one's place," yaiiata "places," frā-iiatāt "has reached;" cf. Skt. yat- "to be in place, put in place, line up;" PIE base *iet- "to be in place").

regression analysis
  آنالس ِ وایازش   
anâlas-e vâyâzeš

Fr.: analyse de régression   

A statistical technique used to determine the values of parameters for a function that best fits a given set of data.

regression, → analysis.

regression coefficient
  همگر ِ وایازش   
hamgar-e vâyâzeš (#)

Fr.: coefficient de régression   

The slope of the straight line that most closely relates two correlated variables.

regression, → coefficient.

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