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relaxation vâheleš (#) Fr.: relaxation 1) The evolution of the properties of a physical system which has
been disturbed and which regains its equilibrium condition
once the disturbing action has ceased. Relaxation is the response of the
system to the perturbation. The time required by the system to regain
its condition of minimum energy is called the
→ relaxation time. Verbal noun of → relax. |
relaxation time zamân-e vâhaleš Fr.: temps de relaxation The characteristic length of time that is required for a system undergoing → relaxation to move to its equilibrium state. If the system follows an exponential law G = G0 exp(-t / τ), the relaxation time is the time required for G to obtain the fraction 1/e of its initial value G0. → relaxation; → time. |
remote control dur kontrol (#), kontrol az dur (#) Fr.: commande à distance 1) Control of the operation or performance of an apparatus from a
distance, as the control of a guided missile by radio signals. |
renormalization bâzhanjârvareš Fr.: renormalisation A mathematical process used in quantum physics that avoids infinite terms by carefully defining fundamental quantities such as mass and charge. → re-; → normalization. |
repetition bâzgarš Fr.: répétition The act of repeating; repeated action, performance, production, or presentation. From L. repetitionem (nominative repetitio), from repetitus, p.p. of repetere "to do or say again." Bâzgarš
from bâz-, → re-, + garš "turn, time
(indicating multiplication, as in three times, four times, etc.," aquivalent to
Fr. fois), related to gez in hargez "ever, always;
never," garz in hagarz "never." Garš has
numerous variants in Pers. dialects, all denoting "turn, times"
( |
representation nemâyeš (#), nemâyandegi (#) Fr.: représentation 1) The act or the action of representing; the state of being represented. M.E. representacion, from L. repraesentation, from repraesentatus p.p. of repraesentare, from → re- + praesentare "to show, give, present for approval," from praesens, from praeesse "to be before others, to be present," from prae- "before," → pre- + esse "to be," cognate with Pers. ast "is," astan, hastan "to be." Nemâyeš, nemâyandegi, from nemudan "to show, demonstrate, exhibit," → display |
reproduction bâzfarâvareš Fr.: reproduction 1) The act of reproducing or the condition or process of being reproduced. |
repulsion vâzaneš (#) Fr.: répulsion Physics: The force that acts between bodies of like electric charge or magnetic polarity, tending to separate them. Verbal noun of → repulse. |
resignation vâgâmeš Fr.: démision The act of resigning. Verbal noun from → resign. |
resolution vâgošud Fr.: résolution 1) The degree to which an → optical system renders visible
separate parts of an object. Also known as → angular resolution and
→ spatial resolution. See also
→ spectral resolution. Verbal noun of → resolve. |
resolution of a force vâgošud-e niru Fr.: résolution de force Finding the → components of a → force which act in specified → directions. → resolution; → force. |
resonance bâzâvâyi (#) Fr.: résonance 1) The state of a → mechanical system
in which the → amplitude of → oscillation
is increased when it is subjected to stimulus from another source at or near its
own natural → frequency. Resonance, from M.Fr. resonance, from L. resonantia "echo," from resonare "to resound," from re- "again, back" + sonare "to sound." Bâzâvâyi, from bâz- "again, back," → re-, + âvâ "voice, sound" (related to âvâz "voice, sound, song," bâng "voice, sound, clamour" (Mid.Pers. vâng), vâžé "word;" Av. vacah- "word," vaocanghê "to decalre" (by means of speech), from vac- "to speak, say;" cf. Skt. vakti "speaks, says," vacas- "word;" Gk. epos "word;" L. vox "voice;" PIE base *wek- "to speak") + -yi noun suffix. |
resonance capture gir-oft-e bâzâvâyi Fr.: capture résonante Capture by an atomic nucleus of a particle whose energy is equal to one of the energy levels of the nucleus. |
resonance frequency basâmad-e bâzâvâyi Fr.: fréquence de résonance The frequency at which a system is in → resonance. |
resonance line xatt-e bâzâvâyi Fr.: raie de résonance For a particular atom, the spectral line corresponding to the longest wavelength arising from a transition between the ground state and an excited state. |
resonance orbit madâr-e bâzâvâyi Fr.: orbite de résonance An orbit which is in → orbital resonance with another orbit. |
resonance particle zarre-e bâzâvâyi Fr.: particule de résonance A hadronic particle which exists for only a very brief time (10-23 seconds) before decaying into hadrons; also called resonance. The existence of a resonance cannot be observed directly; it can only be inferred from studying the longer-lived products of its decay. |
resonance region neutron notron-e nâhiye-ye bâzâvâyi Fr.: neutron dans la région de résonance A neutron with an energy between 1 eV and 0.01 MeV. |
resonant bâzâvâ Fr.: résonnant Pertaining to a system in a state of → resonance; producing resonance; resounding. Verbal adj. from → resonate. |
resonant circuit barqrâh-e bâzâvâ Fr.: circuit résonnant An electrical circuit containing both capacitance and inductance in such a way that a certain periodic electric oscillation will reach maximum amplitude. |
<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec seq sim Sod sor spe sta ste sto sub sup syn the Tho Tor tra tru und vec vio wav Wil zir > >>