<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec seq sim Sod sor spe sta ste sto sub sup syn the Tho Tor tra tru und vec vio wav Wil zir > >>
bound-bound transition gozareš-e bandidé-bandidé Fr.: transition liée-liée A transition between two energy levels of an electron bound to a nucleus. The electron remains tied to the nucleus before and after the transition. → bound-free transition; → free-free emission. Bound, p.p. of → bind; → transition. |
bound-free transition gozareš-e bandidé-âzâd Fr.: transition liée-libre A transition in which a bound electron is liberated. → free-bound emission; → free-free emission. |
boundary conditions butârhâ-ye karân, ~ karâni Fr.: conditions à la limite 1) Math: Restriction on the limits of applicability of an equation.
In a differential equation, conditions that allow to fix the constant
of integration and reach a unique solution. The number of boundary conditions
necessary to determine a solution matches the order of the equation. |
bounded function karyâ-ye karânmand, ~ karândâr Fr.: fonction bornée The function y = f(x) in a given range of the argument x if there exists a positive number M such that for all values of x in the range under consideration the inequality | f(x) | ≤ M will be fulfilled. → unbounded function. |
Boussinesq approximation nazdineš-e Boussinesq Fr.: approximation de Boussinesq A simplification in the equations of → hydrodynamics that treats the density as constant except in the → buoyancy term. This approximation is motivated by the fact that when pressure and temperature differences in a flow are small, then it follows from the thermodynamic → equation of state that a change in the density is also small. Named after Joseph Valentin Boussinesq (1842-1929), a French physicist who made significant contributions to the theory of hydrodynamics, vibration, light, and heat; → approximation. |
brecciation berešeš Fr.: bréchification The formation of → breccia. Verbal noun of → brecciate. |
brightness distribution vâbâžeš-e deraxšandegi Fr.: distribution de brillance A statistical distribution of the brightness of an astronomical extended object. → brightness; → distribution. Vâbâžeš, → distribution; deraxšandegi, → brightness. |
Brillouin function karyâ-ye Brillouin Fr.: fonction de Brillouin A mathematical function appearing in the → magnetization equation of a → paramagnetic substance. → Brillouin zone; → zone. |
Brillouin zone zonâr-e Brillouin Fr.: zone de Brillouin Crystallography: One of the several regions which, in reciprocal space, represent the solution of the wave equations for the propagation of → phonons or electrons in solids. The first Brillouin zone is the Wigner-Seitz cell of the reciprocal lattice. It is a polyhedron obtained by connecting a lattice point to its first neighbors and drawing the planes perpendicular to these connecting lines and passing through their midpoints. The second Brillouin zone is obtained by a similar construction but the second-nearest neighbours. After Léon Brillouin (1889-1969) French physicist; → zone. |
BRITE-Constellation BRITE-hamaxtarân Fr.: BRITE-Constellation An international collaboration between Austria, Canada, and Poland, currently comprising five nano-satellites to investigate stellar structure and evolution of the brightest stars in the sky and their interaction with the local environment. BRITE is also used to study micropulsation, wind phenomena, and other forms of stellar variability. These nano-satellites aim to monitor stars brighter than V ~ 5 mag using two color pass-bands, over various observing campaigns. Each nano-satellite hosts a 3 cm telescope, providing a wide field of view (24° x 20°) to simultaneously observe up to a few dozen stars (Weiss et al. 2014). BRITE, short for → BRIght Target Explorer; → bright; → target; → explorer. |
broad-line region (BLR) nâhiye-ye pahn-xatt Fr.: région à raies larges The inner region of a → quasar or an → active galactic nucleus exhibiting broad → spectral lines which indicate ionized matter moving with speeds in excess of 10,000 km sec-1, probably due to the presence of an → accretion disk surrounding a → supermassive black hole. Also called Type I AGN. See also → obscuring torus. |
bronze boronz (#), mefraq (#) Fr.: bronze A class of → alloys in which → copper and → tin are the dominant elements. The name is extended by usage to include many other copper-rich alloys containing → phosphorus, → manganese, → aluminium, or → silicon. From Fr. bronze, from It. bronzo, from M.L. bronzium, of unknown origin, maybe from Iranian, cf. Mid.Pers. brinj "bronze, brass;" Mod.Pers. berenj "brass." Boronz, loan from Fr., as above. Mefraq, from Ar. |
Bronze Age asr-e boronz (#) Fr.: âge du fer A period of time between the → Stone Age and the → Iron Age when bronze was used widely to make tools, weapons, and other implements. The Bronze Age starts at different areas of the world at different times. The earliest use of bronze for making farm tools and weapons are found in Near and Middle East and date back to about 3700 BC. The Bronze Age starts about 2300 BC in Europe. |
Brownian motion jonbeš-e Brawni Fr.: mouvement brownien The continuous random motion of solid microscopic particles immersed in a fluid, which is due to bombardment by the atoms and molecules of the medium. It is named after the botanist Robert Brown, who in 1827 first noticed that pollen seeds suspended in water moved in an irregular motion. While there were suspicions that the motion was caused by the collision of atoms against the particles, the first quantitative explanation of the phenomenon, based on the kinetic theory of gases, was forwarded by A. Einstein in 1905. When Einstein's paper appeared, the notion of atoms and molecules was still a subject of heated scientific debate. Ernst Mach and the physical chemist Wilhelm Ostwald were among those who chose to deny their existence. Named after Robert Brown (1773-1858), a Scottish botanist, who first in 1827 noticed the erratic motion of pollen grains suspended in water. → motion. |
burst of star formation belk-e diseš-e setâregân Fr.: flambée de formation d'étoiles An intense → star formation activity in a region of → interstellar medium or, more globally, in a → galaxy. It is characterized by a → star formation rate which is much higher than the corresponding average. Same as → starburst. |
c Orionis c-Šekârgar, c-Oyon Fr.: c Orionis Same as → 42 Orionis. Star name in the → Bayer designation scheme. |
calculation afmâreš Fr.: calcul The act, process, or result of calculating. Calculation, noun from → calculate. Afmâreš, verbal noun from afmârdan→ calculate. |
calculus of variations afmârik-e vartešhâ Fr.: calcul des variations The study of maximum and minimum properties of → definite integrals. |
calendar month mâh-e gâhšomâri, ~ gâhmâri Fr.: mois du calendrier One of the periods into which a calendar is divided, ordinarily 12, but in earlier systems 10 (the first Roman calendar under Romulus) or 13 (ancient Iranian calendar using a month intercalation). |
calibration kabizeš Fr.: étalonnage, calibration 1) The act or process of calibrating or the state of being calibrated. Calibration, noun from → calibrate. Kabizeš, noun from kabizidan, → calibrate. |
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