An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 3105 Search : on
connected graph
  نگاره‌ی ِ هابندیده   
negâre-ye hâbandidé

Fr.: graphe connecté   

In → =graph theory, a graph if for every pair of distinct vertices there is a path.

connected; → graph.

  هابند، هابندش   
hâband, hâbandeš

Fr.: connexion   

The act or state of connecting. The state of being connected. Something that connects; link; bond.

Verbal noun of → connect.

  هابندار، هابندنده   
hâbandâr, hâbandandé

Fr.: 1) connectif; 2) connecteur   

1) (adj.) Serving to → connect or capable of connecting.
2) (n.) Something that connects.
3) → logical connective.

connect + → -ive.

Hâbdandâr, from hâband present stem of hâbandidan, → connect, + -âr contraction of âvar, from âvardan "to bring, cause, produce," → format; hâbandandé verbal adj. from hâbandidan.


Fr.: connectivité   

1) General: The state or ability of being connected.
2) Computers: The capacity of a machine to be connected to other facilities.

connective + → -ity.


Fr.: connecteur   

A person or thing that connects.

connect; → -or.


Fr.: conquérir   

1) To acquire by force of arms; to overcome by force.
2) Successfully overcome an obstacle or weakness.

From O.Fr. conquerre "conquer, defeat, vanquish," from V.L. *conquaerere, L. conquirere "to search for, procure by effort," from → com- + quaerere "to seek, gain."

Hanânidan, from Av. hanānī, han- "to conquer;" cf. Skt. sani "to win, gain;" Gk. hanutein "to complete, accomplish;" OHG sinnan "to strive after something" (Cheung 2007).


Fr.: conquérant   

A person who conquers a place or people.

conquer; → -or.


Fr.: conquête   

1) The act or process of conquering.
2) Something conquered; especially territory appropriated in war (

Ultimately related to → conquer.


Fr.: conscient   

1) Aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
2) Having the mental faculties fully active (

From L. conscius "knowing, aware," from conscire "to be (mutually) aware," from → com- "with," or "thoroughly" + scire "to know," → science.

Hâsan, from hâ- intensive and nuance prefix, → com-, + san variant of zan-, zân- (farzâné), dân- (dânestan), šen- (šenâxtan), → know, → science; cf. Kurd. nâsin "to know, recognize," O.Khotanese (+ *aua-) vaysān- "to recognize," (+ *pati-) paysān- "to recognize," (+ *ui-) biysen- "to wake up."


Fr.: conscience   

1) The state of being conscious; awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
2) The thoughts and feelings, collectively, of an individual or of an aggregate of people.
3) Philo.: The mind or the mental faculties as characterized by thought, feelings, and volition (

conscious; → -ness.


Fr.: consensus   

General agreement or concord.

From L. consensus "agreement, accord," p.p. of consentire, → consent.

Hamrâyân, from hamrây "of the same mind, of equal opinion," → consent, + plurality and situation suffix -ân.

  ۱) همرایی؛ ۲) همرایی کردن   
1) hamrâyi (#); 2) hamrâyi kardan (#)

Fr.: 1) consentement; 2) consentir   

1a) Agreement in sentiment, opinion, a course of action, etc.
1b) Permission, approval, or agreement; compliance; acquiescence.
2) To permit, approve, or agree; comply or yield (

M.E. consenten, from O.Fr. consentir "agree, comply," from L. consentire "feel together," from → com- "with" + sentire, "to feel," → sense.

Hamrâyi, from hamrây "of the same mind, of equal opinion," from ham-, → com-, + rây "opinion, consult," → reason.

peyâmad (#)

Fr.: conséquence   

A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon.

From O.Fr. consequence "result," from L. consequentia, from consequentem (nom. consequens), prp. of consequi "to follow after," from &arr; com- "with" + sequi "to follow," (cf. Skt. sacate "accompanies, follows," Av. hacaiti, Gk. hepesthai "to follow"), from PIE base *sekw- "to follow".

Peyâmad, from pey "after; footstep; foot" (Mid.Pers. pay "step, after," O.Pers. nipadiy "on the track of, close after," from ni-, → ni- (PIE), + padiy, from pad- "foot", Av. paδa- "step, footstep," Skt. padá- "step, foorstep;" cf. Gk. pos, L. pes; PIE root *pod-/*ped-) + âmad "to come, arrive," shortened infinitive of âmadan, Mid.Pers. âmatan, O.Iranian *āgmatani, O.Pers., Av. gam- "to come; to go," Av. jamaiti "goes," Skt. gamati "goes," Gk. bainein "to go, walk, step," L. venire "to come," Tocharian A käm- "to come," O.H.G. queman "to come," E. come; PIE root *gwem- "to go, come."

  پیای، پی‌آی، پی‌آینده   
peyây, peyâyandé

Fr.: conséquent   

Logic: In a → conditional proposition, the → clause which follows then. See also → antecedent.


  پتایانش، پتایش   
patâyâneš, patâyeš

Fr.: conservation, préservation   

The act or an instance of conserving.

Verbal noun of → conserve.

conservation law
  قانون ِ پتایش   
qânun-e patâyeš

Fr.: loi de conservation   

A general statement that a → physical quantity, such as → energy, → mass, → momentum, or → electric charge is unchanged in an → interaction occurring within a → closed system. See also:
conservation of charge, → conservation of energy, → conservation of mass, → conservation of mass and energy, → conservation of matter, → conservation of momentum, → conservation of probability, → parity conservation, → conservative field.

conservation; → law.

conservation of charge
  پتایش ِ بار   
patâyeš-e bâr

Fr.: conservation de charge   

In any given → frame of reference, → electric charge is neither created nor destroyed. This → law must not be confused with → charge invariance.

conservation; → charge.

conservation of energy
  پتایش ِ کاروژ   
patâyeš-e kâruž

Fr.: conservation d'énergie   

The → principle whereby the → total energy of a → closed system remains → constant. This means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. See also the → first law of thermodynamics.

conservation; → energy.

conservation of mass
  پتایش ِ جرم   
patâyeš-e jerm

Fr.: conservation de masse   

A → principle of → classical physics whereby → matter can be neither created nor destroyed. Matter can, however, be → converted into → energy, as predicated by the theory of → special relativity. Also called → conservation of matter.

conservation; → mass.

conservation of mass and energy
  پتایش ِ جرم و کاروژ   
patâyeš-e jerm o kâruž

Fr.: conservation de masse et d'énergie   

A principle, resulting from Einstein's theory of → special relativity whereby in any → closed system the sum of mass and energy remains → constant.

conservation; → mass; → energy.

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