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constant of annual aberration pâyâ-ye birâheš sâlâné Fr.: constante d'aberration annuelle Same as → constant of aberration. → constant; → annual; → aberration. |
constant of diurnal aberration pâyâ-ye birâheš ruzâné Fr.: constante d'aberration diurne The quantity 0''.3200 ρ cos φ', where ρ is the geocentric distance of the observer measured in units of → equatorial radius the Earth and φ' is the observer's → geocentric latitude. The numerical part is equal to 2πa csc1'' / (cP), where a is the equatorial radius of the Earth, P is its → sidereal period of rotation, and c is the → speed of light in vacuum. → constant; → diurnal; → aberration. |
constant of gravitation pâyâ-ye gerâneši (#) Fr.: constante de la gravitation |
constant of the motion pâyâ-ye jonbeš Fr.: constante de mouvement 1) Classical mechanics: A variable X whose total rate of change dX/dt
along the path of a → dynamical system is zero. In other words,
a function of an object's position, velocity, or both that does not change even as the
object moves. For example, the total energy of a
→ simple harmonic oscillator is a constant of the motion. |
constellation hamaxtarân Fr.: constellation A grouping of conspicuous stars that, when seen from Earth, form an apparent pattern. The sky is divided into 88 constellations. → asterism. From O.Fr. constellation, from L.L. constellationem (nom. constellatus) "set with stars," from L. → com- "with" + p.p. of stellare "to shine," from stella, → star. Hamaxtarân, from ham- "with, together" + axtar→ star + -ân suffix denoting group. |
constituent âsâtande Fr.: constituant 1) Forming part of a whole; component. → constitute; → -ent. |
constitute âsâtidan Fr.: constituer 1) To make up; form; compose. From L. constitutus, p.p. of constituere "to cause to stand, set up, fix, place, establish, set in order; form something new," from → com- an intensive prefix + statuere "to set," from PIE root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm." cf. Pers. istâdan "to stand," → opposition. Âsâtidan, from intensive prefix â- + sât variant of sâz-/sâxtan "to build, make, prepare," cf. Gazi sât- "to be reconciled with," Abyaneyi, Abuzeydâbâdi, Nâyini, Târi. sâta-/sâj-, Anâraki, Varzeneyi sâte-/sâj-, Ardestâni sûtte/sûj-, Hamadâni satän/saj-, Esfahâni satän/saz-, Jowšaqâni bam-sa:t- "to do, build," Xonsâri sât-/sâz-, Mahalâti sât/sâj- "to prepare, do;" Mid.Pers. sac, saz- "to be fitting, becoming, necessary," sac-, sâz- "to make, prepare;" Mod.Pers. sâz-, sâxtan "to build, construct, prepare;" cf. Skt. śak- "to be able, capable;" Proto-Ir. sac- "to fit, be suitable, be able, be in command of; to prepare" (Cheung, 2006). |
constitution âsâteš Fr.: constitution 1) The act or process of composing, setting up, or establishing. Verbal noun of → constitution. |
constitutional âsâteši Fr.: constitutionnel 1) Of or relating to a constitution. → constitution; → -al. |
constitutive âsâtgar Fr.: constitutif 1) Making a thing what it is; essential. → constitite; → -ive. |
constrain pâvandidan, pâvand kardan Fr.: contraindre To confine forcibly, as by bonds; to force, compel, or oblige; to repress or restrain. → constrained body, → constrained system. → constraint. |
constrained body jesm-e pâvandidé Fr.: corps lié A → rigid body whose displacement is prevented because it is under → constraint or a body that can move only in certain directions. Contrasted with → free body. |
constrained system râžmân-e pâvandidé Fr.: système contraint Opposite of a → free system. See also → constraint. |
constraint pâvand (#) Fr.: contrainte 1) General: Limitation or restriction. M.E. constreinte, from M.F., from constreindre, from L. constringere "to bind together, tie tightly," from → com- "together" + stringere "to bind, draw tight." Pâvand "fetter, shackle," from pâ "foot" (Mid.Pers. pâd, pây; Khotanese fad; Av. pad-; cf. Skt. pat-, Gk. pos, genitive podos; L. pes, genitive pedis; P.Gmc. *fot, E. foot, Ger. Fuss, Fr. pied; PIE *pod-/*ped-) + vand, variant band "tie, band," (Mod.-Mid./Pers. bastan/vastan "to bind, shut," Av./O.Pers. band- "to bind, fetter," banda- "band, tie," Skt. bandh- "to bind, tie, fasten," PIE *bhendh- "to bind," cf. Ger. binden, E. bind). |
constringence Fr.: constringence Same as → Abbe number. Noun from → constrain. |
constructive interference andarzaneš-e sâznadé Fr.: interférence constructive An → interference process in which the → amplitude of the resultant wave is greater than that of either individual waves. See also → destructive interference. Constructive, from M.Fr. constructif or from M.L. constructivus, from L. construct-, p.p. stem of construere "to heap up," from → con- + struc- variant stem of struere "to build," → structure; → interference. Andarzaneš, → interference; sâzandé "constructive," from sâxtan, → structure. |
consult hagârdan, rây zadan (#) Fr.: consulter To seek advice or information from; ask guidance from. From M.Fr. consulter, from L. consultere "to deliberate, consult," frequentative of consulere "to consult, deliberate, consider, ask advice," from → com- "together" + -sulere, from PIE *selh- "to take, grab," cognate with E. sell, sold. Hagârdan, from ha-, variant of ham- "together," → com-, + gâr "to observe, consider," variants gar-, gâl- (as in engâridan "to suppose," negaristan "to observe, look, notice," segâlidan "to think, discuss, consider") ultimately from Proto-Ir. *kar- "to observe, consider," cf. Av. kar- "to remember, to impress on memory," Skt. kal- "to observe, conside," kalayati "considers, observes;" see also âgâridan, → consider. |
consultant 1) hagârgar; 2) hagârande Fr.: consultant 1) A person who provides professional or expert advice. Agent noun with suffix → -ant. |
consultation hagâreš Fr.: consultation The act or procedure of consulting. Verbal noun from → consult. |
consume gosârdan (#) Fr.: consommer 1) To use up, spend. See also → expend. M.E., from O.Fr. consumer "to consume" and directly from L. consumere "to use up, eat, waste," from → com-, intensive prefix, + sumere "to take," from → sub- "under" + emere "to buy, take," from PIE root *em- "to take, distribute;" cf. Skt. yam- "to hold," Av. yam- "to hold, keep," → expend. Gosârdan "to consume, drink; dissipate, wipe out; let go," probably from Proto-Ir. *ui-sard-, from *sard- "to smear, rub;" cf. Khotanese (+*ā-) esaly "to besmear;" Kurd. sirīn "to wipe," sirewe "to wipe out, erase;" Oss. særdyn "to smear." |
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