An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec seq sim Sod sor spe sta ste sto sub sup syn the Tho Tor tra tru und vec vio wav Wil zir > >>

Number of Results: 3105 Search : on
differential equation with separable variables
  هموگش ِ دگرسانه‌ای با ورتنده‌های ِ جدایی-پذیر   
hamugeš-e degarsâne-yi bâ vartandehhâ-ye jodâyi-pazir

Fr.: équation différentielle à variables séparables   

A → differential equation of the form: M1(x) N1(y) dx + M2(x) N2(y) dy = 0, which can be reduced to a → differential equation with separated variables.

differential; → equation; → separate; → variable.

differential equation with separated variables
  هموگش ِ دگرسانه‌ای با ورتنده‌های ِ جدا   
hamugeš-e degarsâne-yi bâ vartandehhâ-ye jodâ

Fr.: équation différentielle à variables séparées   

A → differentail equation that can be transformed into the form: M(x)dx + N(x)dy = 0.

differential; → equation; → separate; → variable.

differential image motion monitor (DIMM)
  پهره‌گر ِ جنبش ِ دگرسانه‌ای ِ وینه، ~ ~ ~ تصویر   
pahregar-e jonbeš-e degarsâneyi-ye vine, ~ ~ ~ tasvir

Fr.: moniteur de mouvements d'images différentiels, moniteur seeing   

A device that is commonly used to measure the → seeing at optical astronomical sites. The DIMM delivers an estimate of the → Fried parameter based on measuring the variance of the differential image motion in two small apertures, usually cut out in a single larger telescope pupil by a mask. The DIMM concept was introduced by Stock & Keller (1960, in Stars and Stellar Systems, Vol. 1, ed. G. P. Kuiper & B. M. Middlehurst, p. 138), whereas its modern implementation was first described by Sarazin & Roddier (1990, A&A 227, 294).

differential; → image; → motion; → monitor.

differential refraction
  شکست ِ دگرسانه‌ای   
šekast-e dagarsâneyi

Fr.: refraction différentielle   

A problem encountered in astronomical spectroscopy, which consists of a loss of light from some wavelengths due to → atmospheric dispersion. In simple terms, differential refraction means that at nonzero → zenith distances an object cannot be simultaneously placed at the same position within a → slit at all wavelengths. This problem becomes more important for increasing → airmass, larger → spectral range, and smaller → slitwidths. To remedy this drawback, the slit should always be oriented along a direction perpendicular to the horizon, since differential refraction occurs in that direction.

differential; → refraction.

differential rotation
  چرخش ِ دگرسانه‌ای   
carxeš-e degarsâneyi

Fr.: rotation différentielle   

1) Of a single body (such as a star or a gaseous planet), the axial rotation of equatorial latitudes faster than polar latitudes.
2) Of a galaxy, the orbiting of stars nearer the center faster than those at the edge.

differential; → rotation.


Fr.: (Math.) dériver; (Astro.) différenciation   

1) Math.: The operation of finding the → derivative of a function.
2) Astro.: Process by which an originally homogeneous planetary or asteroidal body is separated into regions of different composition, such as core, mantle, and crust.

Verbal noun of → differentiate.

parâš (#)

Fr.: diffraction   

A wave property of light which allows it to curl around obstacles whose size is about that of the wavelength of the light. As a → wavefront of light passes by an opaque edge or through an opening, secondary weaker wavefronts are generated, apparently originating at that edge. These secondary wavefronts will interfere with the primary wavefront as well as with each other to form a → diffraction pattern.
Related terms: → diffusion; → dispersion; → distribution; → scatter; → scattering.

From Fr. diffraction, from Mod.L. diffractionem, from L. diffrac-, stem of diffringere "break in pieces," from → dis- "apart" + frangere "to break."

Parâš "dispersion, scattering," variant of pâš, pâšidan, → dispersion.

diffraction grating
  توری ِ پراش   
turi-ye parâš (#)

Fr.: réseau de diffraction   

An optical device containing thousands of very fine parallel grooves which produce interference patterns in a way which separates out all the components of the light into a spectrum.

diffraction; → grating.

diffraction pattern
  الگوی ِ پراش   
olgu-ye parâš (#)

Fr.: tache de diffraction   

A series of concentric rings of dark and light color produced by interference.

diffraction; → pattern.

Olgu, loanword from Turkish; parâšdiffraction.

diffraction spike
  سیخک ِ پراش   
sixak-e parâš

Fr.: aigrette de diffraction   

One of several light rays emanating from a bright light source in images taken with → reflecting telescopes. They are artifacts caused by light diffracting around the support or → spider vanes of the → secondary mirror.

diffraction; → spike.

  کران‌مند به پراش   
karânmand bé parâš

Fr.: limité par la diffraction   

The quality of an → optical system that is capable of producing images with angular resolution as small as the theoretical limit of the → Airy disk.

diffraction; limited, adj. of → limit.

Karânmand "bounded, limited," from karânboundary + -mand possession suffix; parâš diffraction.

diffuse reflection
  بازتاب ِ پخشیده   
bâztâb-e paxšidé

Fr.: réflexion diffuse   

Reflection of light from a rough or granular surface, which takes place in all directions due to the microscopic irregularities of the interface; opposed to → specular reflection.

diffuse; → reflection.

diffuse transmission
  تراگسیل ِ پخشیده   
tarâgosil-e paxšidé

Fr.: transmission diffuse   

Transmission accompanied by diffusion or scatter to the extent that there is no regular or direct transmission.

diffuse; → transmission.

paxš (#)

Fr.: diffusion   

1) Movement of a gas or liquid as a result of the random thermal motion of its atoms or molecules.
2) The random spreading out of a beam of radiation on reflection (→ diffuse reflection) or transmission through a translucent medium (such as amber, milk, or frosted glass).
3) In chemical thermodynamics, the process of attaining an equilibrium distribution of the → concentration within the phases. A result of diffusion at constant equilibrium is the equalization of the → chemical potentials.
Related terms: → diffraction; → dispersion; → distribution; → scatter; → scattering.

L. diffusionem, from stem of diffundere "scatter, pour out," from dif- "apart, in every direction," → dis-, + fundere "to melt, cast, pour out," from PIE *gheud-, from root *gheu- "to pour."

Paxš, verbal noun and stem of paxšidandiffuse.

diffusion coefficient
  همگر ِ پخش   
hamgar-e paxš

Fr.: coefficient de diffusion   

A factor of proportionality involved in the → diffusion equation. It may be defined as the amount of the quantity diffusing across a unit area through a unit concentration gradient in unit time. → magnetic diffusivity.

diffusion; → coefficient.

diffusion equation
  هموگش ِ پخش   
hamugeš-e paxš

Fr.: équation de diffusion   

An equation that expresses the time rate of change of a quantity in terms of the product of the diffusion coefficient and the → Laplacian operating on the quantity. For example the diffusion equation for temperature is: ∂T/∂t = D2T.

diffusion; → equation.

diffusion region
  ناحیه‌ی ِ پخش   
nâhiye-ye paxš

Fr.: région de diffusion   

A narrow boundary layer above the solar → photosphere, between two magnetic field lines, where the plasma becomes demagnetized or unfrozen. The presence of a localized magnetic region is necessary for → magnetic reconnection.

local; → -ize; → diffusion; → region.


Fr.: dièdre   

A figure formed by two intersecting planes.

di-; → -hedron.

farâxeš (#)

Fr.: dilatation   

The act of dilating; state of being dilated. Also dilatation.
Physics: The increase in volume per unit volume of a homogeneous substance. → time dilation.

Verbal noun of → dilate.


Fr.: dilution   

The process of reducing the concentration of solute in a solution by increasing the proportion of solvent.

Verbal noun of → dilute.

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