An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec seq sim Sod sor spe sta ste sto sub sup syn the Tho Tor tra tru und vec vio wav Wil zir > >>

Number of Results: 3105 Search : on
direction angle
  زاویه‌ی ِ راستا   
zâviye-ye râstâ

Fr.: angle de direction   

An angle made by a given vector and a coordinate axis.
The angle between the North and a chosen direction.

direct; → angle.

Dirichlet condition
  بوتار ِ دیریکله   
butâr-e Dirichlet

Fr.: condition de Dirichlet   

One of the following conditions for a → Fourier series to converge:
1) The function f(x) is defined and single valued, except possibly at a finite number of points in the interval -π, +π.
2) f(x) has a period of 2π.
3) f(x) and f'(x) are → piecewise continuous functions on -π, +π.
Then, the Fourier series converges to:
(a) f(x) if x is a point of continuity.
(b) (f(x + 0) + f(x - 0))/2, if x is a point of discontinuity.

Named after Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet (1805-1859), German mathematician who made valuable contributions to → number theory, → analysis, and → mechanics; → condition.


Fr.: desallouation   

The act of disallocating or the state of being disallocated.

dis- + → allocate.

nâpeyvastegi (#)

Fr.: discontinuité   

A break in sequence or continuity of anything. → Balmer discontinuity
Math.: A point at which a function is not continuous.
Geology: A surface separating rock layers of differing properties or compositions.

M.L. discontinuitas, from discontinuus, from → dis- + continuus, → continuous.

Nâpeyvastegi, noun from nâpeyvasté "discontinuous," from nâ- "non, un-," → a-, + peyvasté, → continuous.

discrete absorption component (DAC)
  همنه‌ی ِ درشمی ِ گسسته   
hamne-ye daršami-ye gosasté

Fr.: composante d'absorption discrète   

The rapid, systematic changes in the absorption parts of the → P Cygni profiles of the ultraviolet → resonance lines (Si IV, C IV, and N V) observed in a majority of massive → hot stars. DACs are typically seen to accelerate to the → blue wing of the profile over a few days, becoming narrower as they approach the → terminal velocity.

discrete; → absorption; → component.

discrete transition
  گذرش ِ گسسته   
gozareš-e gosasté

Fr.: transition discrète   

A transition between two quantum-mechanical energy levels. See also → discrete spectrum.

discrete; → transition.


Fr.: discrimination   

1) An act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction.
2) Unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc; action based on prejudice (

Verbal noun of → discriminate.

  بهس، بحث   

Fr.: discussion   

An act or instance of discussing; → consideration or → examination by → argument, → comment, etc., especially to explore solutions; informal debate (

Verbal noun from → discuss.

  واپاشی، فروپاشی   
vâpâši, forupâši (#)

Fr.: desintégration   

The breaking up of a body into fragments. For example, that of an unstable nuclei either spontaneously or as a result of bombardment by fast-moving particles, or the breaking up of a comet.

Disintegration, verbal noun of disintegrate, from → dis- + → integration.

Vâpâši, forupâši, from vâ-, frou-de- + pâši, noun of pâšidandisperse.


Fr.: disjonction   

A → proposition of the form "A or B" (A ∨ B), where A and B are themselves propositions. A disjunction is → true when one or the other of its components (called → disjuncts) is true, and false otherwise.

dis-; → junction.

disk accretion
  فربال ِ گرده‌ای، ~ پت گرده، ~ ~ دیسک   
farbâl-e gerde-yi, ~ pat geredé, ~ ~ disk

Fr.: accrétion par disque   

An accretion process involving an → accretion disk.

disk; → accretion.

disk partition
  پرکش ِ دیسک، ~ گرده   
parkeš-e disk, ~ gerde

Fr.: partition de disque   

A logical division of a hard disk that is treated as a separate unit by operating systems and file systems.

disk; → partition.

disk population
  پرینش ِ گرده، ~ ِ دیسک   
porineš-e gerdé, ~ disk

Fr.: population disque   

Of a spiral galaxy, those stars that lie in a flattened disk and move in nearly circular orbits around its centre. They are Population I stars of all ages up to the age of the disk, but in general are younger than stars in → halo population.

disk; population, from L.L. populationem "a people, multitude," from populatio, from populare "to inhabit," from populus "people," related to plebes "the common people," cf. Gk. plethos "people, multitude, great number," from PIE base *pel- "to be full;" Mod.Pers. por "full," O.Pers. paru- "much, many," Av. pouru- "much, many," pərəna- "full," par- "to fill," Skt. puru-, Gk. polus, O.E. full "completely, full," from P.Gmc. *fullaz, O.H.G. fol, Ger. voll, Goth. full.

Like Gk., Pers. uses the concepts of "multitude, many, full" to denote "people, group, herd, flock". The following examples are all terms derived from O.Pers. paru- "much, many," Av. par- "to fill," pouru- "much, many," pərəna- "full" (Mod.Pers. por "full"): literary Pers. bâré "herd, flock," parré "a rank or file of soldiers, a circular disposition of troops," Lori, Qâyeni bor "group, tribe, herd," Torbat-Heydariyeyi, Qomi borr "heap, bundle, group," Qomi borreh "group, assemblage of people," Pashtu parrak "flock, herd," Urdu para "flock, herd," Lârestâni baila "group, tribe," Tabari balik "herd, flock." With this introduction, porineš "population," verbal noun of porinidan "to populate," infinitive of porin "populous," from por "mutitude, many, full" + -in attribution suffix.

disk truncation
  کل‌کرد ِ دیسک، ~ گرده   
kolkard-e disk, ~ gerdé

Fr.: troncature de disque   

In models of magnetized → accretion disks, the process whereby the disk is disrupted at a radius where the → magnetic pressure overcomes the → ram pressure of the accreted material. This occurs at a distance typically 3-7 stellar radii, below the → corotation radius.

disk; → truncation.

pâšeš (#)

Fr.: dispersion   

1) The resolution of white light into its component wavelengths, either by → refraction or by → diffraction. Dispersion is actually an effect in which radiations having → different wavelengths travel at different speeds in the medium. Since the → angle of refraction of each radiation vary as a function of its → wavelength, the component waves deviate from each other.
2) The rate of change of → refractive index with wavelength: dn/dλ. → Cauchy's equation shows that dispersion varies approximately as the inverse cube of the wavelength.
3) The selective → retardation of → radio waves when they propagate through a → plasma. As a result, higher → frequency waves from a → pulsar will arrive at the Earth before the lower frequencies due to the presence of → intervening → ionized gas in the → interstellar medium. → dispersion measure.
4) Statistics: The spread of values of a → variable around the → mean or → median of a → distribution.

Verbal noun of → disperse.

dispersion curve
  خم ِ پاشش   
xam-e pâšeš

Fr.: courbe de dispersion   

A graph displaying the variation of the → refractive index of a substance against the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave passing through the substance.

dispersion; → curve.

dispersion equation
  هموگش ِ پاشش   
hamugeš-e pâšeš

Fr.: équation de dispersion   

An equation representing the variation of → refractive index as a function of → wavelength; for example → Cauchy's equation and → Sellmeier's equation.

dispersion; → equation.

dispersion measure
  اندازه‌ی ِ پاشش   
andâze-ye pâšeš

Fr.: mesure de dispersion   

A parameter used in radio astronomy which describes the amount of dispersion in a radio signal due to its passage through an intervening plasma. It is proportional to the product of the interstellar electron density and the distance to the source.

dispersion; → measure.

dispersion relation
  بازانش ِ پاشش   
bâzâneš-e pâšeš

Fr.: relation de dispersion   

An equation that describes how the → angular frequency, ω, of a wave depends on its → wave number, k. For the simplest of waves, where the speed of propagation, c, is a constant, ω(k) = ck. If the → phase velocity depends on k, that is for a dispersive medium, the function ω(k) is nonlinear.

dispersion; → relation.


Fr.: disqualification   

An act or instance of disqualifying; the state of being disqualified.

disqualify; → -tion.

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