An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 3105 Search : on
equation of state
  هموگش ِ حالت   
hamugeš-e hâlat

Fr.: équation d'état   

In physics and thermodynamics, the equation that describes the relationship between pressure, density, and temperature, e.g. → ideal gas law, → van der Waals equation, → polytropic process, → virial equation of state.

equation; → state.

equation of state parameter
  پارامون ِ هموگش ِ حالت   
pârâmun-e hamugeš-e hâlat

Fr.: paramètre de l'équation d'état   

In cosmology, a → dimensionless parameter introduced by the → equation of state representing the ratio of the pressure to the energy density of a fluid, such as the → dark energy: w = p/ρ. The → deceleration or → acceleration of an → expanding Universe depends on this parameter (→ accelerating Universe). A number of numerical values of this parameter are as follows: for the → cosmological constant: w = -1, for → non-relativistic matter (present-day → baryons): w = 0, and for → relativistic matter (photons, neutrinos): w = +1/3. Together with Ω(dark energy) and Ω(matter), w provides a three-parameter description of the dark energy. The simplest parametrization of the dark energy is w = constant, although w might depend on → redshift.

equation; → state; → parameter.

equation of the equinoxes
  هموگش ِ هموگانها   
hamugeš-e hamugânhâ

Fr.: équation des équinoxes   

The difference between → apparent sidereal time and → mean sidereal time. It is due to the nutation of the Earth's polar axis of rotation about its precessional motion. It ranges from +0.8 to +1.2 seconds. Also known as → nutation in right ascension.

equation; → equinox.

equation of time
  هموگش ِ زمان   
hamugeš-e zamân

Fr.: équation du temps   

The difference, due to Earth's elliptical orbit and variable orbital velocity, between apparent solar time and mean solar time. It varies throughout the year, and slightly from year to year. At present, it reaches extremes of about -14 minutes in February, and about +16 minutes in November. The equation of time is visually illustrated by an → analemma.

equation; → time.

equilibrium partitioning
  پرکه‌بندی ِ ترازمند   
parkebandi-ye tarâzmand

Fr.: équilibre de partition   

A concept whereby chemical → concentrations among geological or environmental media are at equilibrium, and therefore the partitioning of metals in those media can be predicted based on → partition ratios.

equilibrium; → partitioning.

equilibrium position
  نهش ِ ترازمندی   
naheš-e tarâzmandi (#)

Fr.: position d'équilibre   

The position of an oscillating body at which no net force acts on it.

equilibrium; → position.

equipartition of energy
  هموگپرکش ِ کاروژ   
hamugparkeš-e kâruž

Fr.: équipartition de l'énergie   

1) General: Equal sharing of the → total energy among all → components of a → system.
2) In the → kinetic theory of gases, the → theorem according to which → molecules in → thermal equilibrium have the same average energy (1/2 kT) associated with each independent → degree of freedom of their motion.

equi-; → partition.

equivalent positions
  نهش‌های ِ هموگ‌ارز   
nehešhâ-ye hamug-arz


Complete set of points in any given space group which are obtained by performing the symmetry operations of the space group on a single point (x, y, z).

equivalent; → position.


Fr.: ergonomie   

The study of the relationship between people and their working environment, in particular its effect on a person's efficiency. Ergonomics is applied in designing equipment and office systems to maximize productivity by reducing discomfort and fatigue of people in their workplace.

From Gk. ergon "work," → erg, + -nomics, → -nomy, → -ics.

Varzdâtik, from varz "work, " cognate with Gk. ergon, → erg, + dâtik "law, rule," → -nomy.

farsâyeš (#)

Fr.: érosion   

Geology: The act or state of eroding; state of being eroded.
A general term applied to the wearing away and movement of earth materials by the action of water, glaciers, winds, gravity, etc.

From M.Fr. erosion, from L. erosionem (nom. erosio), from erodere "to gnaw away," from → ex- "away" + rodere "to gnaw, eat away" (cf. Fr. and E. animal rat).

Farsâyeš, from far- intensive prefix "much, abundant" (Mid.Pers. fra- "forward, before; much; around;" O.Pers. fra- "forward, forth;" Av. frā, fərā-, fra- "forward, forth; excessive;" cf. Skt. prá- "before; forward, in fron;" Gk. pro "before, in front of;" L. pro "on behalf of, in place of, before, for;" PIE *pro-) + verbal noun of sâyidan, variants sâbidan "to bruise, file," pasâvidan "to touch;" Khotanese sauy- "to rub;" Sogdian ps'w- "to touch;" Proto-Iranian *sau- "to rub."


Fr.: éruption   

1) An act, process, or instance of erupting; something that is erupted or ejected.
2) → flare.
3) Geology: The ejection of molten rock, steam, etc., as from a volcano or geyser.

Verbal noun of → erupt.


Fr.: ESPaDOnS   

An advanced stellar → spectropolarimeter designed and built at the Observatoire Midi-Pyréenées and installed at the → Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). It can obtain a a complete optical spectrum, from 370 nm to 1050 nm, in a single exposure. Among its characteristics: resolving power 65 000 to 80 000; 12% peak throughput (telescope and detector included); continuum subtracted linear and circular polarization spectra of the stellar light (in polarimetric mode). ESPaDOnS is used to study a broad range of important problems in stellar physics: from → stellar magnetic fields to → accretion disks and → extrasolar planets; from inhomogeneities and differential rotation on stellar surfaces to activity cycles and magnetic braking; from microscopic diffusion to turbulence, convection, and circulation in stellar interiors; from abundances and pulsations in stellar atmospheres to stellar winds; from the early phases of stellar formation to the late stages of stellar evolution; from extended circumstellar environments to distant interstellar medium (Donati et al., 2006, Solar Polarization, ASP Conf. Series, 358, 362, eds. R. Casini, B. W. Lites).

Short for Echelle Spectro-Polarimetric Device for the O bservation of Stars; → echelle; → spectro-; → polarimetric; → device; → observation; → star.

barâvari (#)

Fr.: estimation   

Statistics: The process by which sample data are used to indicate the value of an unknown quantity in a population.

Verbal noun of → estimate.


Fr.: ethnologie   

The study of the beliefs, interpretations, and practices of specific cultures regarding celestial objects or phenomena. Ethnoastronomy uses the tools and methodologies of → ethnology in the study of astronomical conceptions.

ethno-; → astronomy.

Euclidean division
  بخش ِ اقلیدوسی   
baxš-e Oqlidosi

Fr.: division euclidienne   

In arithmetic, the conventional process of division of two → integers. For a → real number a divided by b > 0, there exists a unique integer q and a real number r, 0 ≤ r <b, such that a = qb + r.

Euclidean; → division.

Euler equation
  هموگش ِ اویلر   
hamugeš-e Euler

Fr.: équation d'Euler   

In → fluid mechanics, one of a set of → differential equations that govern the motion of a → compressible, → inviscid fluid. Euler equations correspond to the → Navier-Stokes equations with zero → viscosity.

Euler; → equation.

arzyâbi (#)

Fr.: évaluation   

An act or instance of evaluating; to examine and judge carefully.

From Fr. évaluer "to find the value of," from → ex- "out" + value "worth, value," p.p. of valoir "be worth," from L. valere "be strong, be of value;" PIE base *wal- "to be strong."

Arzyâbi, from arz "value" + yâbi "finding." The first component arz, present stem of arzidan "to be worth," arzân "worthy; of small value, cheap," arj "esteem, honour, price, worth;" Mid.Pers. arz "value, worth," arzidan "be worth," arzân "valuable;" Av. arəjaiti "is worth," arəja- "valuable," arəg- "to be worth;" cf. Skt. arh- "to be worth, to earn," árhant- "worthy person;" Gk. alphanein "to bring in as profit," alphein "to ear, obtain;" Lith. algà "salary, pay;" PIE base *algwh- "to earn; price, value." The second component yâbi, verbal noun of yâftan, yâbidan "to find, discover; to obtain, acquire;" Mid.Pers. ayâftan, ayâpênitan "to reach, attain;" Manichean Mid.Pers. 'y'b "to attain;" Parthian, Sogdian (+ *pati-) pty'b "to reach, obtain;" Av. ap- "to reach, overtake," apayeiti "achieved, reached;" Skt. âp- "to reach, gain," âpnoti "reaches, gains;" Gk. hapto, haptomai "to touch, cling to, adhere to;" L. apiscor "touch, reach;" PIE base *ap- "to take, reach."


Fr.: évaporation   

The physical process by which a liquid is transformed to the gaseous state, usually by means of heat; the opposite of → condensation. Also called vaporization.

From L. evaporationem (nom. evaporatio), from evaporare "to disperse in vapor," from → ex- "out" + → vapor "steam."

Boxârš, verbal noun of boxâridan "to evaporate," from boxâr, → vapor.


Fr.: évection   

A periodic perturbation in the motion of the → Moon caused by the variation in the gravitational pull of the Sun, which causes a change in the → eccentricity of the Moon's orbit during its monthly revolution. As a result, the Moon's → ecliptic longitude oscillates with a amplitude of ± 1°16' during a period of about 31.8 days.

From L. evection- "carrying away, going upwards, flight," from evect(us) p.p. of evehere "to carry forth, move forth," from e-, → ex- + vehere "to carry," cognate with Av. vaz- "to carry, move," as below.

Osbaz "carrying away," from os-, → ex-, + *baz "to carry," ultimately from Proto-Ir. *uaz- "to carry, drive;" from which Av. vaz- "to move, carry, drive (a chariot)," vazaiti "to lead;" Kurd. (Kurmanji) bazin/baz- "to run;" Mod./Mid.Pers. bazidan, vazidan "to blow (as the wind)," parvâz, → flight; cf. Skt. vah- "to ride, drive, transport;" Gk. oxos "carriage;" L. vehere "to carry;" Lith. veži "I ride;" O.H.G. wegan "to move, carry;" PIE base *wegh- "to go, carry, drive." See also: → advection; → convection.

event horizon
  افق ِ رویداد   
ofoq-e ruydâd (#)

Fr.: horizon d'événement   

1) The surface surrounding a → black hole with the property that any light ray emitted inside it cannot escape to the outer space because of the strength of the → gravitational field. The radius of the event horizon is called the → Schwarzschild radius. See also → photon sphere.
2) For an observer A at the instant t0, the surface in the → space-time that divides the collection of all events into two non-empty classes: those events that have been, are being, or will be observed by A, and those that A has never observed and will never be able to observe (J. Plebanski, A. Krasinski, 2006, An Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology, Cambridge Univ. Press).

event; → horizon.

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