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free-free emission gosil-e âzâd-âzâd (#) Fr.: emission libre-libre → Electromagnetic radiation produced in a → plasma by → free electrons scattering off → ions without being captured. The electrons are free before the interaction and remain free afterward. |
frequency to wavelength conversion hâgard-e basâmad bé mowj-tul Fr.: conversion fréquence / longueur d'onde Deriving the → wavelength of an undulatory phenomenon from
its → frequency, and vice versa. → frequency; → wavelength; → conversion. |
Fresnel diffraction parâš-e Fresnel (#) Fr.: diffraction de Fresnel The diffraction effects obtained when either the source of light or observing screen, or both, are at a finite distance from diffracting aperture or obstacle. → Fraunhofer diffraction. Named after Jean Augustin Fresnel (1788-1827), French physicist, a key figure in establishing the wave theory of light. His earlier work on interference was carried out in ignorance of that of Thomas Young (1773-1829), English physician and physicist, but later they corresponded and were allies; → diffraction. |
Fresnel equation hamugeš-e Fresnel Fr.: équation de Fresnel For an electromagnetic wave incident upon the interface between two media with different indices of refraction, one of a set of equations that give the → reflection coefficient and → transmission coefficient at the optical interface. These coefficients depend on the polarization degree of the incident wave. → Fresnel diffraction; → equation. |
friction mâleš (#) Fr.: frottement The resisting force offered by one body to the relative motion of another body in contact with the first. From L. frictionem "a rubbing, rubbing down," from fricare "to rub." Mâleš, verbal noun of mâlidan "to rub," from, variants parmâs "contact, touching," marz "frontier, border, boundary," Mid.Pers. mâlitan, muštan "to rub, sweep;" Av. marəz- "to rub, wipe," marəza- "border, district;" PIE base *merg- "boundary, border;" cf. L. margo "edge" (Fr. marge "margin"); P.Gmc. *marko; Ger. Mark; E. mark, margin. |
Friedmann equation hamugeš-e Friedmann Fr.: équation de Friedmann An equation that expresses energy conservation in an → expanding Universe. It is formally derived from → Einstein's field equations of → general relativity by requiring the Universe to be everywhere → homogeneous and → isotropic. It is expressed by H2(t) = (8πG)/(3c2)ε(t) - (kc2)/R2(t), where H(t) is the → Hubble parameter, G is the → gravitational constant, c is the → speed of light, ε(t) is the → energy density, k is the → curvature of space-time, and R(t) is the → cosmic scale factor. See also → Big Bang, → accelerating Universe. See also → Friedmann-Lemaitre Universe. Named after the Russian mathematician and physical scientist Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Friedmann (1888-1925), who was the first to formulate an → expanding Universe based on Einstein's theory of → general relativity ; → equation. |
front ru, pišân Fr.: face, front 1) The part or side of anything that faces forward.
→ ionization front. From O.Fr. front "forehead, brow," from L. frontem "forehead," perhaps lit. "that which projects," from PIE *bhront-, from base *bhren- "to project, stand out." Pišân, from pišâni "front, forehead," from piš
"before; in front," from Mid.Pers. pêš "before, earlier;"
O.Pers. paišiya "before; in the presence of" + -ân suffix
of place and time. |
front-end piš-tah Fr.: A device containing a radio-frequency amplifier and associated cryogenic systems, routers, and converters (mixers), whose input is the voltage from a receptor and whose output is an intermediate-frequency signal. → back-end. → front + end, from O.E. ende, from P.Gmc. *andja, originally "the opposite side," from PIE *antjo "end, boundary," from base *anta-/*anti- "opposite, in front of, before." Piš-tah, from piš, → front, + tah "end;" Mid.Pers. tah "bottom." The origin of this term is not clear. It may be related to Gk. tenagos "bottom, swamp," Latvian tigas "depth;" PIE *tenegos "water bottom." |
frontier marz (#) Fr.: frontière A border between two countries. From O.Fr. fronter, from front "forehead, brow," → front. Marz, from Mid.Pers. marz "boundary;" Av. marəza- "border, district," marəz- "to rub, wipe;" Mod.Pers. parmâs "contact, touching" (→ contact), mâl-, mâlidan "to rub;" PIE base *merg- "boundary, border;" cf. L. margo "edge" (Fr. marge "margin"); P.Gmc. *marko; Ger. Mark; E. mark, margin. |
Frontier Fields Meydânhâ-ye Marzi Fr.: Champs frontialers An observing project using the → Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the → Spitzer Space Telescope to obtain deep images for cosmological studies. The Frontier Fields combines the power of HST and Spitzer with the natural gravitational telescopes of massive high-magnification clusters of galaxies to produce the deepest observations of clusters and their lensed galaxies ever obtained. Six clusters (Abell 2744, MACSJ0416.1-2403, MACSJ0717.5+3745, MACSJ1149.5+2223, Abell S1063, and Abell 370) were selected based on their lensing strength, sky darkness, Galactic extinction, parallel field suitability, accessibility to ground-based facilities, HST, Spitzer and JWST observability, and preexisting ancillary data. (Lotz et al., 2016, arxiv/1605.06567 and references therein). |
FU Orionis object barâxt-e FU Šekârgar Fr.: objet FU Orionis A member of a class of → pre-main sequence stars that experience dramatic changes in magnitude and → spectral type. During an outburst the luminosity of such an object can increase by several orders of magnitude on short time-scales (few months to few years). The phenomenon is explained by abrupt mass transfer from an → accretion disk to a young, low mass → T Tauri star (accretion rates 10-4 to 10-3 solar masses per year). → EX Lupi; → Z CMa. |
full micro Moon riz pormâng, ~ pormâh Fr.: pleine lune d'apogée Same as → apogee full Moon. |
full moon pormâng, pormâh (#) Fr.: pleine lune 1) The moon at → opposition, when it appears as a round disk
to an observer on the Earth because the illuminated side is toward him. Pormâh, from Mid.Pers. purrmâh, from Av. pərənô.manha- "full moon" (cf. Skt. pūrná-mās-); → full; → moon. |
full super Moon abar pormâng, abar pormâh Fr.: pleine lune de périgée Same as → perigee full Moon. |
function karyâ Fr.: fonction A mathematical rule between two sets which assigns to each element of the first exactly one element of the second, as the expression y = axb. From M.Fr. fonction, from O.Fr. function, from L. functio (gen. functionis) "performance, execution," from functus, p.p. of fungor "to perform, execute." Karyâ, from Av. kairya- "function;" cf. Mod.Pers. Laki karyâ "done," Awromâni kiriyây, kiria "to be done," from kar- "to do" (Mod.Pers. kar-, kardan "to do, to make;" Mid.Pers. kardan; O.Pers./Av. kar- "to do, make, build;" Av. kərənaoiti "he makes;" cf. Skt. kr- "to do, to make," krnoti "he makes, he does," karoti "he makes, he does," karma "act, deed;" PIE base kwer- "to do, to make") + -ya suffix of verbal adjectives and nouns (e.g. išya- "desirable," jivya- "living, fresh," haiθya- "true," maidya- "middle," dadya- "grain"); cf. Skt. kāryá- "work, duty, performance." |
functional 1) karyâyi; 2) karyâl Fr.: 1) fonctionnel; 2) fonctionnelle 1) Math.: Of, relating to, or affecting a function. |
fundamental constant pâyâ-ye bonyâdin (#) Fr.: constante fondamentale A physical constant that cannot be expressed in terms of other constants of nature, such as the charge of the electron. → fundamental; → constant. |
fundamental interaction andaržireš-e bonyâdin Fr.: interaction fondamentale Any of the four interactions in nature between bodies of matter and that are mediated by one or more particles. Also called the → fundamental force. In order of decreasing strength, the four fundamental interactions are the → strong interaction, the → electromagnetic interaction, the → weak interaction, and the → gravitational interaction. → fundamental; → interaction. |
fusion 1, 2, 3) iveš; 3) godâz (#) Fr.: fusion 1) The act or process of fusing; the state of being
→ fused; that which is fused; the result of fusing. From M.Fr. fusion, from L. fusionem, from fusus, p.p. of fundere "to pour, melt." Verbal noun form of → fuse. |
future light cone maxrut-e nuri-ye âyandé (#) Fr.: cône de lumière futur The set of all points in a → space-time diagram that are reached by signals travelling from a specified point at the speed of light. |
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