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antiproton pâdproton Fr.: antiproton The antiparticle of a proton, identical in mass and spin but of opposite (negative) charge. |
Antoine equation hamugeš-e Antoine Fr.: équation d'Antoine A mathematical expression, derived from the → Clausius-Clapeyron equation, of the relation between the vapor pressure and the temperature of pure substances. It shows that the logarithm of vapor pressure is linearly dependent on the reciprocal of → absolute temperature. Named after Louis Charles Antoine (1825-?), a French marine engineer, who derived the equation; → equation. |
antonym pâdcem Fr.: antonyme Grammar: A word opposite in meaning to another. |
apastron apâstâr, apâsetâré Fr.: apoastre The point at which a binary star is furthest from its companion. Apastron, from Gk. ap-, → apo- + astron "star." Apâstâr, apâsetâré, from apâ-, → apo-, + stâr, setâré, → star. |
aphelion apâhur Fr.: aphélie The point in the orbit of a planet, or other object in the solar system, which is furthest from the Sun. Aphelion, from L. aphelium, from Gk. → apo- + helios "sun," cognate with L. sol, Skt. surya, Av. hvar-, Mod.Pers. xor, hur, O.H.G. sunna, Ger. Sonne, E. sun; PIE *sawel- "sun". Apâhur, from Pers. prefix apâ, → apo-, + hur "sun." |
aphelion distance apest-e apâhuri Fr.: distance à l'aphélie The distance between the → Sun and an → object in orbit around it when they are at their farthest approach. → perihelion; → distance. |
apocynthion apâmah, apâmâh Fr.: apolune The point in a lunar orbit that is farthest from the center of the Lune. Also apolune. Apocynthion, from → apo- "away from, off" + cynthion, from Gk. Cynthia "goddess of the Moon." |
apodization pâzodâyi Fr.: apodisation 1) Generally, any process suppressing the secondary maxima of a
diffraction pattern, such as the faint rings around the Airy disk
of an optical image. This allows the telescope to resolve finer details.
Apodization from v. apodize, → a- "negation prefix" + pod from Gk. podos "foot" (compare with Pers. pâ, see below) + -tion "noun forming suffix;" literally "removing feet," i.e. suppressing the secondary maxima at the side of the Airy spot. Pâzodâyi "removing feet," from pâ "foot," Mid.Pers. pâd, pây , Av. pad-, Skt. pat, Gk. pos, gen. podos, L. pes, gen. pedis, PIE *pod-/*ped-. Zodâyi, n. from zodudan "to polish, clean," Mid.Pers. uzdâtan, Av. uzdâ-, from uz-, → ex-, + dâ- "make, create." |
apogalacticon apâkahkašân Fr.: apogalacticon The point at which a celestial body is farthest from the center of a galaxy; opposite of → perigalacticon. |
apogee full Moon pormâng-e apâzam, pormâh-e ~ Fr.: pleine lune d'apogée The → full Moon when our natural satellite is at its farthest position from the Earth. The difference in apparent size with respect to the → perigee full Moon represents a difference in distance of just under 50,000 km between → apogee and → perigee, given the Moon's average distance of about 385,000 km. Also called → full micro Moon. |
apparent horizon ofoq-e padidâr Fr.: horizon apparent The circle determined by the intersection of the heavens with a → cone whose → vertex is the → eye, and whose elements are tangent to lines of the Earth's surface. Same as → visible horizon. Assuming that there is no → atmospheric refraction, apparent horizon coincides with → geometric horizon. See also → sea horizon. |
apparent noon nimruz-e padidâr Fr.: midi vrai The moment when the center of the Sun crosses the meridian. Same as true noon. |
apparent position naheš-e padidâr, jâ-ye ~ Fr.: position apparente 1) The position on the celestial sphere at which a heavenly body
would be seen from the Earth at a particular time. |
apparition padidâri (#), padidâreš Fr.: apparition A period during which a → planet, → asteroid, or → comet is observable, generally between two successive → conjunctions of the body with the Sun. M.E. apparicioun, from O.Fr. apparition, from L.L. appritionem "an appearance," from L. apparitus, p.p. of apparere "to appear." Padidâri, n. from → padidâr + -i; padidâreš, verbal n. from *padidâridan. |
apperception barâgerteš Fr.: aperception In psychology of education, the fundamental process in acquiring knowledge, and the part played by existing knowledge. From Fr. aperception, from N.L. apperceptionem, from ap- variant of → ad- before p + → perception. From prefix bar- "on, upon, up" (Mid.Pers. abar; O.Pers. upariy "above; over, upon, according to;" Av. upairi "above, over," upairi.zəma- "located above the earth;" cf. Gk. hyper- "over, above;" L. super-; O.H.G. ubir "over;" PIE base *uper "over") + âgerteš, → perception. |
application âtâheš, kârbord (#) Fr.: application 1) General: The act of applying to a particular purpose or use. Verbal noun of → apply. |
application software narm-afzâr-e âtâheši Fr.: logiciel d'application A software with a specific function, such as a word processor or game. Contrast with operating system software. → application; → software. |
apprehension darnuteš Fr.: appréhension 1) Anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen. Verbal noun of → apprehend. |
approximation nazdineš Fr.: approximation 1) General: A guess or estimate; nearness in space, position, degree. Approximation, verbal noun of → approximate. Nazdineš, verbal noun of nazdinidan, → approximate. |
apsidal motion jonbeš-e habâki Fr.: mouvement apsidial → Rotation of the → line of apsides in the plane of the orbit in the same direction as the → revolution of the → secondary body. The major axis of the Earth's orbit rotates by 11.6 arcseconds per year. |
<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec seq sim Sod sor spe sta ste sto sub sup syn the Tho Tor tra tru und vec vio wav Wil zir > >>