An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 3105 Search : on

Fr.: incision   

The act of incising. A cutting into, especially for surgical purposes.

Verbal noun of → incise.


Fr.: inclinaison   

1) The angle between two lines or two planes.
2) An orbital element that defines the angle between the orbital plane of a solar system body (planet, comet, asteroid) and the plane of the ecliptic.
3) The angle between the equatorial and orbital planes of a planet.

Inclination, from M.E. inclinacioun, from L. inclination-, from inclinat(us) p.p. of inclinare, from → in- + clinare "to bend;" cf. Gk. klinein "to cause to slope, slant, incline;" Skt. sri- "to lean," O.Pers. θray-; Av. sray- "to lean;" Mod.Pers. kil "bent, inclined, slant;" PIE base *klei- "to lean, incline" from which is also derived P.Gmc. *khlinen (Ger. lehnen, E. lean).

Darkil, from prefix dar- "in" + kil "bent, crooked, inclined" [Dehxodâ], Mid.Pers. xwahl "bent, crooked" (Mod.Pers. dialectal/colloquial variants kowleh, cowleh, cowl, caval, xohl, xohal, hol), cf. Skt. kûla- "slope, declivity;" PIE base *klei-, as above.

inclination of axis
  درکیل ِ آسه   
darkil-e âse

Fr.: inclinaison de l'axe   

The angle between the rotation axis of a planet and the normal to the ecliptic.

inclination; → axis.

inclination of Earth's equator
  درکیل ِ هموگار ِ زمین   
darkil-e hamugâr-e zamin

Fr.: inclinaison de l'équateur terrestre   

obliquity of the ecliptic.

inclination; → Earth; → equator.


Fr.: inclusion   

1) The act of including; the state of being included; that which is included.
2) Fragment of foreign material enclosed within the mass of a → mineral or → meteorite. See also → CAI meteorite.

Verbal noun of → include.


Fr.: incohérence, inconsistance   

1) Lack of consistency or agreement; incompatibility; an inconsistent feature or quality.
2) Logic: The property of being inconsistent; a self-contradictory proposition (

in-; → consistency.


Fr.: incohérent, inconsistant   

1) Lacking in consistency, agreement, or compatibility; at variance.
2) Containing contradictory elements.
4) Maths: (of two or more equations) not having one common set of values of the variables: x + 2y = 5 and x + 2y = 6 are inconsistent
5) Logic: (of a set of propositions) Enabling an explicit contradiction to be validly derived (

in-; → consistent.

index of refraction
  دیشن ِ شکست   
disšan-e šekast

Fr.: indice de réfraction   

Same as → refractive index.

index; → refraction.

individual constant
  پایای ِ تکال   
pâyâ-ye takâl

Fr.: constant individuel   

In predicate logic: A → word or → expression that represents a → specific  → individual or → object. A single object can be denoted by multiple individual constants, reflecting the fact that objects can have multiple names. On the other hand, any individual constant can only denote one object. Individual constants are represented by lower case letters from the beginning of the alphabet: a, b, c.

individual; → constant.


Fr.: individualisation   

The process or state of discriminating the individual from the generic group or species.

individualize; → -tion.

induced emission
  گسیل ِ درهاخته، ~ ِ درهازیده   
gosil-e darhâxté, ~ darhâzidé

Fr.: émission induite   

The emission of radiation from an atom when it is bombarded by photons. The induced radiation has the same wavelength and direction as the bombarding radiation. Same as → stimulated emission.

induced; → emission.

induced fission
  شکافت ِ درهازیده، ~ درهاخته   
šekâft-e darhâzidé, ~ darhâxté

Fr.: fission induite   

Fission which takes place when a nucleon is bombarded with neutrons or high-energy radiation (gamma rays).

Induced, p.p. of → induce; → fission.


Fr.: induction   

1) General: The act of inducing, bringing about, or causing.
2) Electromagnetism: A common term for the process by which a body having electric or magnetic properties produces magnetism, an electric charge, or an → electromotive force in a neighboring body without contact. For more details, see → electromagnetic induction; → electrostatic induction; → magnetic induction.
3) Math.: A method of mathematical proof typically used to establish that a given statement is true of all natural numbers. It is done by proving that the first statement in the infinite sequence of statements is true, and then proving that if any one statement in the infinite sequence of statements is true, then so is the next one.
4) Logic: Any form of reasoning in which the conclusion, though supported by the premises, does not follow from them necessarily. → inductive reasoning.

Verbal noun of → induce.

induction coil
  پیچه‌ی ِ درهازش   
pice-ye darhâzeš

Fr.: bobine d'induction   

A device for producing high-voltage pulses by means of → electromagnetic induction. It consists of a primary coil of a few turns of wire, wound on an iron core, and insulated from a secondary coil of many turns which surrounds it coaxially. The current in the primary, which is interrupted periodically, sets up a magnetic field, first big, then zero. This changing field induces a large voltage in the secondary.

induction; → coil.

induction equation
  هموگش ِ درهازش   
hamugeš-e darhâzeš

Fr.: équation d'induction   

In magnetohydrodynamics, an equation that describes the transport of plasma and magnetic field lines over time:
B/∂t = ∇ x (v x B) + η∇2B,
where B is the → magnetic induction, v is the plasma velocity, and η = (μσ)-1 the → magnetic diffusivity. The first term on the right side represents → magnetic advection and the second term → magnetic diffusion. The induction equation can also be expressed as:
B/∂t = -(v.∇)B + (B.∇)v - B(∇.v),
where the terms of the right-hand side stand for advection, stretching, and compression, respectively. Among these terms, net increase of the field can be done only through the stretching and compression.

induction; → equation.

induction field
  میدان ِ درهازش   
meydân-e darhâzeš

Fr.: champ d'induction   

A component of an electromagnetic field which is the region close to the source (an antenna) where steady-state magnetic and electrostatic forces can be detected. → radiation field.

induction; → field.

inductive reasoning
  راینش ِ درهازشی   
râyaneš-e darhâzeši

Fr.: induction, raisonnement inductif   

Reasoning from detailed facts to general principles.

deductive; → reasoning.

inelastic collision
  هم‌کوبش ِ ناکشایند   
hamkubeš-e nâkešâyand

Fr.: collision inélastique   

A collision between bodies in which there is a loss of total kinetic energy.

inelastic; → collision.

inertial motion
  جنبش ِ لختی‌ناک، ~ لختی‌مند   
jonbeš-e laxtinâk, ~ laxtimand

Fr.: mouvement inertiel   

Motion free of any force, with constant velocity.

inertial; → motion.

inertial oscillation
  نوش ِ لختی‌ناک، ~ لختی‌مند   
naveš-e laxtinâk, ~ laxtimand

Fr.: oscillation inertielle   

1) A periodic motion of a particle that moves, free from external forces, over the surface of a rotating sphere, such the Earth. Inertial oscillations result from the → Coriolis force. For example, a hockey puck launched on a big enough lake in the northern hemisphere would turn to the right (east) and eventually loop back to nearly the initial point (actually west of that point). The time it takes for the huckey puck to return can be computed with the → Coriolis frequency.
2) Meteo.: An anticyclonic (clockwise) rotation in the northern hemisphere, with the Coriolis force providing the → centripetal acceleration with period of 2π/f, where f is the Coriolis frequency. The opposite should occur in the southern hemisphere.

inertial; → oscillation.

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