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minimum deviation kažraft-e kaminé Fr.: déviation minimale Same as → angle of minimum deviation. |
minimum orbit intersection distance (MOID) durâ-ye kamine-ye andarsekanj-e madâr Fr.: distance minimale d'intersection d'une orbite The minimum distance between the paths of two orbiting objects around a → primary. Such distance between an object and Earth is called Earth MOID. → minimum; → orbit; → intersection; → distance. |
Mintaka (δ Orionis) Mantaqé (#) Fr.: Mintaka The faintest and the westernmost of the three stars which appear in a row and make up the → Orion's Belt. It is a blue star of magnitude 2.23 lying 915 light-years away. Mintaka is in fact an → eclipsing binary with a period of 5.7 days. The main star has a → spectral type of O9.5 and radiates near 90,000 times the → solar luminosity. Mintaka is remarkable as regards the discovery of the → interstellar medium. The ISM was discovered by the German astronomer Johannes Hartmann (1855-1936) through the study of δ Orionis. He remarked that the calcium line at 3934 Å did not share in the periodic displacements of the lines caused by the orbital motion of the star. This suggested that the calcium line was not from the stars but from an intervening interstellar absorbing cloud. Mintaka, from al-Mintaqah "the belt," from al-Mintaqah al-Jauzâ'
( |
mission gosilân Fr.: mission An operation designed to carry out the goals of a specific program, such as a a space flight or voyage. Mission, from L. missionem (nominative missio) "act of sending," from mittere "to send," of unknown origin. Gosilân, from gosil, variant gosi "sending away, dismission;" Mid.Pers. wisé "to despatch" (Parthian Mid.Pers. wsys- "to despatch;" Buddhist Mid.Pers. wsydy "to despatch;" Sogdian 'ns'yd- "to exhort"), from Proto-Iranian *vi-sid- "to despatch, send off," from prefix vi- "apart, away, out," + *sid- "to call" + -ân nuance suffix. |
mnemonic yâdsepâr (#), yâdsepârik Fr.: mnémonique 1) (adj.) Assisting or intended to assist the
→ memory. From Gk. mnemonikos "of or pertaining to memory," from mnemon "remembering, mindful," from mnasthai "remember," from PIE base *men- "to think;" cf. Pers. man-, -mân, minu, → idea. Yâdsepâr, stem of Yâdsepârdan "memorize," from yâd "remembrance, recollection, memory" (Mid.Pers. ayâd) + sepârdan, sepor- "to yield, give, hand over" (Mid.Pers. abespâr- "to hand over, entrust;" cf. O.N. spara, O.H.G. sparon, O.E. sparian, E. spare); yâdsepârik, → mnemonics. |
mnemonics yâdsepârik Fr.: mnémonique Something capable of assisting one's memory. The process or technique of improving the memory. |
modernization novineš (#) Fr.: modernisation 1) The act of modernizing; the state of being modernized; something modernized. |
modification vâtarz, vâtarzeš Fr.: modification An act or instance of modifying; the state of being modified; partial alteration. Verbal noun of → modify. |
MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) tavânik-e niyutoni-ye vâtarzidé Fr.: dynamique newtonienne modifiée A modification of the Newton's law of gravitation below a critical acceleration of about 1.2 x 10-8 cm s-2, where the gravitational force scales as 1/r instead of 1/r2. Originally put forward to describe the rotation curves of galaxies with no need to assume any dark matter, MOND is now tested at larger cosmological scales (Milgrom, M. 1983, ApJ, 270, 365). → modify; → Newtonian dynamics. |
modulation degarâhangeš (#) Fr.: modulation General: The modification of some property of a phenomenon by
another distinct phenomenon. Verbal noun of → modulate. |
modulation transfer function (MTF) karyâ-ye tarâvaž-e degarâhangeš Fr.: fonction de transfert de modulation A measure of the ability of an optical system to reproduce (transfer) various levels of detail from the object to the image, as shown by the degree of contrast (modulation) in the image. → optical transfer function. → modulation; → transfer; → function. |
molar concentration dabzeš-e moli Fr.: concentration molaire Of a gas included in the composition of a → gas mixture, the ratio of the number of moles of this gas to the total number of moles of all the gases in the mixture. Same as mole fraction and mole-fraction concentration. → molar; → concentration. |
molar heat of vaporization garmâ-ye boxâreš-e moli Fr.: chaleur de vaporisation molaire The amount of heat energy required to vaporize 1 mole of a liquid at its → boiling point, usually expressed in kJ/mol. → molar; → heat; → vaporization. |
molecular diffusion paxš-e molekuli Fr.: diffusion moléculaire A mixing process in a → fluid caused by the → random relative motions due to → Brownian motion of the individual particles. See also → eddy diffusion. |
molecular emission gosil-e molekuli Fr.: émission moléculaire An → electromagnetic radiation emitted by → interstellar molecules through → transitions between → energy states of → molecules. |
molecular proposition gozâre-ye molekuli Fr.: proposition moléculaire In → propositional logic, a → sentence containing at least one → connectives. See also → atomic proposition. → atomic; → proposition. |
molecular vibration šiveš-e molekuli Fr.: vibration moléculaire The dynamical motion of chemically bound atoms which constantly change their position with each other. The vibration of molecules is treated within → quantum theory. Therefore, the energy of molecular vibration can only take → discrete values. To a first approximation, molecular vibrations can be approximated as → simple harmonic oscillator assigned to each mode. |
monism yektâgerâyi (#), yektâbâvari (#) Fr.: monisme 1) Philo.: The doctrine that reality consists of an unchanging whole
in which change is mere illusion. → pluralism. |
monitor 1) pahridan; 2) pahregar Fr.: 1) contrôler; 2) moniteur, écran de contrôle 1) (v.) To watch closely or evaluate something on a constant or regular basis. From L. monitor "one who reminds, admonishes, or checks," from monere "to remind, warn, advise," related to memini "I remember, I am mindful of," mens "mind," from PIE base *men- "to think;" Pers. cognates under → idea. Pahregar "watch, guard,"
agent noun from pahré (Dehxodâ) "watch, guarding," from Mid.Pers.
pahr, pahrag "guard;" Av. pāθra.vant "guard, watchman," from
*pāθra-, from
Av. pā- "to protect," pāti "guards,"
nipā(y)- (with → ni-)
"to watch, observe, guard,"
nipātar- "protector, watcher," nipāθri- "protectress;"
cf. Skt. pā- "to protect, keep," tanû.pā- "protecting
the body," paś.pā- "shepherd;" Gk. poma "lid, cover,"
poimen "shepherd;" L. pascere "to put out to graze," pastor
"shepherd;" Lith. piemuo "shepherd;" PIE base *pā- "to protect, feed." |
mono- tak- (#), yek- (#), yektâ- (#), mono- (#) Fr.: mono- 1) A combining form meaning "alone, single, one," as in monochromatic,
Monoceros, monotonic. From Gk. mono-, from monos "single, alone," from PIE base *men- "small, isolated," also represented by Gk. manos "rare, sparse." Tak "single, alone", from Mid.Pers. tak "single, alone," maybe related to
tâk, tâi "unit, piece." |
<< < "no abe acc act aff ama ani ant aps ast atm aut bar bic Boh bou cal car cel che cla col com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con Cor cor cot cul de- dec dem des dif dil dir dis dom dyn Edd ele ele emi equ Eve exc exp fac fin for fre fuz gen Glo gra gra Ham hel hor hyd ign inc inf Inf int Int int ion irr jum Lag lea lig lin Lor Lyo mag mat met min Mon moo NaC neg New New non non non nul obs one opt Ori oxi par per per phl pho pla Pla pol pos pre pro pro pse qua rad rad rea rec reg rel res ret rot Ryd sci sec sec seq sim Sod sor spe sta ste sto sub sup syn the Tho Tor tra tru und vec vio wav Wil zir > >>