An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < -sc Sag sam sat sca sca Sch sci Sea sec sec see sel sem sen ser Sey Sha she sho sid sig SIM sim Sin ske sle Smi SNR sof sol sol sol sol sou sou spa spa spe spe spe sph spi spi Spo squ sta sta sta sta Ste ste ste sto str str str sub sub sub sun sup sup sup sup sur sus sym syn syz > >>

Number of Results: 1381

Fr.: seeing   

A measure of the blurring and degradation of the image of astronomical objects caused by → turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere, including the telescope environment. Seeing causes the images of stars to break up into → speckle patterns, which change very rapidly with time. See also → Fried parameter; → differential image motion monitor.

see; → -ing.

Šekân "wrinkle, plait; curl; rupture, breach," variant of šekan "fold, curl; ripples on water," from šekastan "to break, split;" Mid.Pers. škastan "to break;" Av. scind-, scand "to break, cleave;" Proto-Iranian *skand- "to break, cleave;" PIE sken- "to cut off."

seeing disk
  گرده‌ی ِ شکان، دیسک ِ ~   
gerde-ye šekân, disk-e ~

Fr.: tache de seeing   

The angular size of a stellar image for long exposures, as determined by the ratio λ/r0, where λ is the wavelength and r0 the typical size of → turbulence patches. → Fried parameter. The most common seeing measurement is the → full-width at half-maximumof the seeing disk. → Airy disk.

seeing; → disk.

seeing monitor
  پهره‌گر ِ شکان   
pahregar-e šekân

Fr.: moniteur de seeing   

An optical instrument that follows the variation of → atmospheric turbulence by continuously measuring the → seeing conditions.

seeing; → monitor.


Fr.: segment   

1) Of a line, that portion bounded by two points.
2) Of a circle, that portion of a plane bounded by an arc of the circle and its chord.
3) Of a sphere, the solid formed between two parallel planes that cut through a sphere.
4) In computer science, a portion of a program, often one that can be loaded and executed independently of other portions.

From L. segmentum "a strip or piece cut off," originally a geometric term, from secare "to cut" + -mentum "-ment."

Borank, from Kermâni borang "a slice (of fruit);" Borujerdi boleng "piece, section," ultimately from *brin-ka- (probable contracted forms Lari peng and pengi "portion or part of anything"), related to boridan "to cut off;" Mid.Pers. brīn-, blyn-, britan, brinitan "to cut off," Av. brī- "to shave, shear," brin- (with prefix pairi-); cf. Skt. bhrī- "to hurt, injure," bhrinanti "they hurt;" PIE base bhrei- "to cut, pierce."

segmented mirror
  آینه‌ی ِ برنکیده   
âyen-ye borankidé

Fr.: miroir segmenté   

A large telescope mirror consisting of smaller mirror segments designed to act as a single, larger reflecting surface. Because current monolithic mirrors cannot be constructed larger than about eight meters in diameter, the use of segmented mirrors is a key component for larger aperture telescopes.

Segmented, p.p. of → segment (v.); → mirror.


Fr.: séparer, isoler   

To separate or set apart from others or from the main body or group; isolate.

From M.E. segregat, from L. segregatus, p.p. of segregare "separate from the flock, isolate, divide," from se- "apart from" + greg-, ablative of grex, gregis "herd, flock, crowd," cf. Gk. gergera "swarm, flock;" maybe related to Old Khotanese -gris- in hamgris- "to assemble."

Savâyidan, from savâ "separate, apart;" probably related to Mid.Pers. s'w- "to crush," sây- "to rub, wear, tear;" cf. Kurd. (Hawramân) sawa, Roshani sêw-/sêwt, Bartangi siw-/siwd, Yazghulani saw-/sed, Bajui sâw-/sâwd "to rub, smear, grind" (Cheung 2007); Mod.Pers. sây-/sudan "to rub, wear, tear, grind, dissolve;" cf. Skt. śā- "to sharpen, whet."


Fr.: ségrégation   

The act or practice of segregating. The state or condition of being segregated. → mass segregation.

Verbal noun of → segregate.

larze-yi (#)

Fr.: sismique   

Of, subject to, or caused by → vibrations of the → Earth. → seismic wave.

From seism, → seismo-, + → -ic.

seismic wave
  موج ِ لرزه‌ای   
mowj-e laez-yi (#)

Fr.: onde sismique   

An → elastic wave generated in the → Earth by an → impulse such as an → earthquake or an → explosion. Seismic waves may travel either along or near the Earth's surface or through the Earth's interior.

seismic; → wave.

larzé- (#)

Fr.: sismo-   

A combining form meaning "earthquake;" → seismology, → seismograph, etc.

From Gk. seismo- combining form of seismos "shock, earthquake," from seiein "to shake."

Larzé-, from larzé "shaking, trembling," from larzidan "to tremble, shiver;" Mid.Pers. larzidan "to shake, tremble;" Manichean Mid.Pers. rarz- "to shiver with fever;" Proto-Iranian *rarz- "to shake, tremble."

larzenegâr (#)

Fr.: sismographe, séismographe   

An instrument that detects, magnifies, and records → seismic waves, especially those caused by → earthquakes or → explosions.

seismo-; → -graph.

larzešenâsi (#)

Fr.: sismologie, séismologie   

The branch of geophysics that is concerned with the study of earthquakes and measurement of the mechanical properties of the Earth.

seismo-; → -logy.


Fr.: rarement   

Not → often; rarely.

M.E., from O.E. seldum, variant of seldan; cognate with Ger. selten, Goth. silda-, Dutch zelden.

Adverb from perz, → rare.

gozidan (#)

Fr.: sélectionner, choisir   

To choose from among several.

From L. selectus, p.p. of seligere "to choose out, gather apart," from se- "apart" + legere "to gather, select."

Gozidan "to select, choose;" Mid.Pers. vicitan, wizidan, wizin- "to choose, select, discriminate," related to cin-, cidan "to gather, collect;" Av. vicidāi- "to discern," viciθa- "separation, discernment;" from vi- "apart, away from" (O.Pers. viy- "apart, away;" cf. Skt. vi- "apart, asunder, away, out;" L. vitare "to avoid, turn aside") + kay- "to choose;" cf. Skt. ci- "to gather, heap up," cinoti "gathers."

selection rule
  رزن ِ گزینش   
razan-e gozineš

Fr.: règle de sélection   

Any of a set of rules specifying the relationships between the → quantum numbers that characterize the initial and final states of a quantum-mechanical system in a → discrete transition. Transitions that do not agree with the selection rules are called → forbidden and have considerably lower probability. There are several types of selection rules (→ rigorous selection rule, → LS coupling, etc.) for → electric dipole transition (→ permitted), → magnetic dipole (forbidden), electric → quadrupole (forbidden), etc.

Selection, verbal noun of → select; → rule.

selective absorption
  درشم ِ گزینشی   
daršam-e gozineši

Fr.: absorption sélective   

Absorption which varies with the wavelength of radiation incident upon an absorbing substance.

Selective, verbal noun of → select; → absorption.

selective scattering
  پراکنش ِ گزینشی   
parâkaneš-e gozineši

Fr.: diffusion sélective   

A type of scattering that occurs when certain → particles are more effective at scattering a particular → wavelength of light, as in → Rayleigh scattering.

selective; → scattering.

  ماه‌گرفت ِ افقی   
mâhgereft-e ofoqi

Fr.: selenelion   

Same as → horizontal eclipse.

From Gk. selene "Moon," related to sela "light, brightness, flame," + helion, → sun.

horizontal eclipse.

  ماه‌گرفت ِ افقی   
mâhgereft-e ofoqi

Fr.: selenelion   

Same as → horizontal eclipse.

From Fr. selenelion, contraction of → selenehelion.

horizontal eclipse.


Fr.: sélénocentrique   

Referring to or pertaining to the center of the Moon.

Formed on the model of → geocentric, from seleno- combining form of Gk. selene "moon" + -centric, from → center + → -ic.

Mâh-markazi, from mâh, → moon, + markazi, from markaz, → center, + -i, → -ic.

<< < -sc Sag sam sat sca sca Sch sci Sea sec sec see sel sem sen ser Sey Sha she sho sid sig SIM sim Sin ske sle Smi SNR sof sol sol sol sol sou sou spa spa spe spe spe sph spi spi Spo squ sta sta sta sta Ste ste ste sto str str str sub sub sub sun sup sup sup sup sur sus sym syn syz > >>