<< < -wa war wat wav WC9 wed wet why win WN1 Wol wre > >>
wreckage 1) kalineš; 2) kaline, kalin-pâre Fr.: 1) Act of wrecking; state of being wrecked. → wreck + suffix -age forming mass and abstract nouns. |
wrecker kalingar Fr.: 1) One that searches for or works on the wrecks of ships (as for rescue or
for plunder). |
wrinkle ridge ruk-e corukdâr Fr.: A low, sinuous tectonic ridge on a planetary surface that resembles a wrinkle in skin or cloth. These features were first detected on the Moon, but they have also been identified on other planetary bodies such as Mars, Mercury, and Venus. M.E., back formation from wrinkled, from O.E. gewrinclod "wrinkled, crooked," p.p. of gewrinclian "to wind, crease," from perfective prefix ge- + -wrinclian "to wind;" → ridge Ruk, → ridge; corukdâr, from coruk "wrinkle" + dâr "having, possessor" (from dâštan "to have, to possess," Mid.Pers. dâštan, O.Pers./Av. root dar- "to hold, keep back, maitain, keep in mind;" cf. Skt. dhr-, dharma- "law;" Gk. thronos "elevated seat, throne;" L. firmus "firm, stable;" Lith. daryti "to make;" PIE *dher- "to hold, support"). |
wrist moc (#) Fr.: poignet 1) The carpus or lower part of the forearm where it joins the hand. M.E., O.E.; cognate with Ger. Rist "back of hand," O.Norse rist "instep;" akin to writhe. Moc "wrist," related to mošt "fist;" Mid.Pers. mušt, must "fist;" Av. mušti- "fist;" cf. Skt. musti-, Pali mutthi-, L. manus (?). |
write neveštan (#) Fr.: écrire To trace or form (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or other similar instrument. M.E. writen, O.E. writan "to score, outline, draw," later "to set down in writing;" cf. O.Frisian writa "to write," O.Saxon writan "to tear, scratch, write," O.Norse rita "write, scratch," O.H.G. rizan "to write, scratch, tear," Ger. reissen "to tear, pull, sketch, draw." Neveštan, nevis- "to write," variants Kurd. (Sor.) nus, nusen, Lori nisane "to write," Kurd. (Kurm.) âvîtin, âvêntin, (Sor.) havîštin, hâvîtin "to compose (a song), to change (color);" Mid.Pers. (+ → ni-) nibištan, nebês- "to write," pēsīdan "to adorn;" O.Pers. pais- "to cut, adorn, engrave;" Av. paēs- "to paint, adorn," paēsa- "adornment;" cf. Skt. piśáti "adorns; cuts;" Gk. poikilos "multicolored;" L. pingit "embroiders, paints;" O.C.S. pisati "to write;" O.H.G. fēh "multicolored;" Lith. piēšti "to draw, adorn;" PIE base *peik- "colored, speckled." |
wrong nâdorost (#) Fr.: faux 1) Not in accordance with what is morally right or good: a wrong deed. M.E. wrong, wrang, O.E. wrang "twisted, crooked," from O.N. rangr "crooked, wry, wrong;" cf. Dan. vrang "crooked, wrong," Du. wrang "sour, bitter." |
Wronskian Wronski Fr.: Wronskien The → determinant of order n associated with a set of n functions, in which the first row consists of the functions, the second row consists of the first → derivatives of the functions, the third row consists of their second derivatives, and so on. For example, If y1 and y2 are functions of x, the determinant W(y1,y2) = y1 . y2' - y1' . y2 is called the Wronskian of the given function. Named after the Polish mathematician Józef Hoene-Wroński (1776-1853). |
WZ Sagittae WZ nimasp Fr.: WZ Sagittae The prototype of a subclass of → dwarf novae with an extremely long outburst period, comparable with that of a → recurrent nova. |
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