An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < -sc Sag sam sat sca sca Sch sci Sea sec sec see sel sem sen ser Sey Sha she sho sid sig SIM sim Sin ske sle Smi SNR sof sol sol sol sol sou sou spa spa spe spe spe sph spi spi Spo squ sta sta sta sta Ste ste ste sto str str str sub sub sub sun sup sup sup sup sur sus sym syn syz > >>

Number of Results: 1381
semi-forbidden transition
  گذرش ِ نیمه-بژکم   
gozareš-e nime-bažkam

Fr.: transition semi-interdite   

An → atomic transition whose probability is reduced by a factor of the order of 106 because of → selection rules. Same as → interconnection line.

semi-; → forbidden; → transition.

semi-major axis
  آسه‌ی ِ نیمه‌مهین   
âse-ye nime-mehin

Fr.: demi grand axe   

Half the length of the major axis of an ellipse; a standard element used to describe an elliptical orbit. see orbital elements

semi-; → major; → axis.

  نیم-هازا، نیمه-رسانا   
nim-hâzâ, nime-rasânâ

Fr.: semi-conducteur   

Any of various solid crystalline substances, such as germanium or silicon, which has conducting properties intermediate between metals and insulators.

semi-; → conductor.

semiconductor junction
  جوهه‌ی ِ نیم-هازا   
juhe-ye nim-hâzâ

Fr.: jonction semi-conducteur   

In a semiconductor device, a region of transition between semiconducting regions of different electrical properties.

semiconductor; → junction.


Fr.: semi-convection   

An instability occurring in the region just outside the → convective core of a → massive star. The instability occurs when a → superadiabatic layer is stabilized by a chemical gradient. In fact, semiconvection takes place if → Schwarzschild's criterion for convection is fulfilled but at the same time → Ledoux's criterion is not fulfilled. The time-scale of semiconvection is the thermal time-scale, which is short compared to the nuclear time-scale in → main sequence stars but long compared to the time-scale of convection. However, semiconvection has a profound influence on the → post-main sequence star evolution. It affects the convective mixing above the hydrogen shell source, determines the appearance and extent of → blue loops in the → Hertzsprung-Russell diagram during core → helium burning, and is essential for defining the extent of the convective cores during core helium burning (See, e.g., N. Langer, 2012, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 50, 107).

semi-; → convection.

semidetached binary
  دُرین ِ نیم-جدا   
dorin-e nim-jodâ

Fr.: bianire semi-détachée   

A binary system whose secondary member fills its Roche lobe but whose primary member does not.

semi-; detached, p.p. of detach, from O.Fr. destachier (Fr. détacher), from des- "apart," + -tachier (as in atachier "to attach"); → binary.

Dorin, → binary; nim-jodâ, from nim-semi- + jodâ "separate," from Mid.Pers. yut "separate, different;" Av. yuta- "separate, apart."

semidetached system
  راژمان ِ نیم-جدا   
râšmân-e nim-jodâ

Fr.: système semi-détaché   

Same as → semidetached binary.

semi-; detached, p.p. of detach, from O.Fr. destachier (Fr. détacher), from des- "apart," + -tachier (as in atachier "to attach"); → system.

Râžmân, → system; nim-jodâ, from nim-semi- + jodâ "separate," from Mid.Pers. yut "separate, different;" Av. yuta- "separate, apart."


Fr.: demi-diamètre   

The angle at the observer subtended by the equatorial radius of the Sun, Moon, or a planet.

semi-; → diameter.


Fr.: semi-empirique   

Describing an → equation or → formula that results from a → combination of → experiment and → theory.

semi-; → empirical.

semiempirical binding energy formula
  دیسول ِ نیمه‌آروینی ِ انرژی ِ بندش   
disul-e nime-ârvini-ye kâruž-e bandeš

Fr.: formule semi-empirique de l'énérgie de liaison   

Same as → Weizsacker formula.

semiempirical; → binding; → energy; → formula.

semilatus rectum
  نیم-تار ِ راست   
nim-târ-e râst

Fr.: demi-latus rectum   

Half the → latus rectum. For an ellipse, semilatus rectum has the expression l = b2/a, where a and b are semi-major and minor axes of the ellipse. It can also be expressed in terms of → eccentricity, e, as: l = a(1 - e2).

semi-; → latus rectum.


Fr.: sémiotique   

1) Of or pertaining to → signs.
2) Of or pertaining to → semiotics.

From Gk. semeiotikos "significant," also "observant of signs," adj. form of semeiosis "indication," from semeion "to signal, interpret a sign," from sema "sign."


Fr.: sémiotique   

The study of linguistic and non-linguistic signs and symbols used in natural and artificially constructed languages. Semiotics is usually divided into three branches: 1) → pragmatics, 2) → semantics, and 3) → syntax.

semiotic; → -ics.

semiregular variable
  ورتنده‌ی ِ نیمه‌بسامان   
vartande-ye nime-besâman

Fr.: variable semirégulière   

A type of giant or supergiant pulsating variable star, with intermediate or late spectra, showing noticeable periodicity in its light changes, accompanied or sometimes interrupted by various irregularities. Periods lie in the range from 20 to more than 2000 days, while the shapes of the light curve may be rather different and variable with each cycle. The amplitudes may be from several hundredths to several magnitudes (usually 1-2 magnitudes in the V filter). Examples are Betelgeuse, Antares, and Rasalgethi. Semiregular variables are classified in several subtypes: SRA, SRB, SRC, and SRD.

semi-; → regular; → variable.

mehtar (#)

Fr.: 1) aîné; 2) supérieur; de dernière année   

1) Older or elder (designating the older of two men bearing the same name, as a father whose son is named after him, often written as Sr. or sr. Compare → junior.
2a) Of higher or the highest rank or standing.
2b) (in American schools, colleges, and universities) Of or relating to students in their final year or to their class (

M.E., from L. senior "older," comparative of senex (genitive senis) "old," from PIE root *sen- "old;" cf. Av. hana- "old;" O.Pers. hanata- "old age, lapse of time;" Skt. sanah "old;" Armenian hin "old;" Gk. enos "old, of last year;" Lith. senas "old," senis "an old man;" Goth. sineigs "old," O.Irish sen, O.Welsh hen "old." sjunio

Mehtar "greater, elder, governor," from meh "great, large, principla," cognate with L. mas, → Big Bang, + comparative suffix -tar.

  حسّکرد، حسّش   
hess-kard, hesseš

Fr.: sensation   

The perception or awareness of stimuli through the senses.

From M.L. sensationem (nominative sensatio), from L.L. sensatus "endowed with sense, sensible," from L. sensus "feeling," → sense.

Hess-kard, hesseš, verbal nouns of hess kardin, hessidan, → sense.

  ۱) حسّ؛ ۲) حسّ کردن، حسّیدن   
1) hess; 2) hess kardan, hessidan

Fr.: 1) sens; 2) sentir   

1) Any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, by which a person or animal obtains information about the physical world.
2) To perceive by the senses; become aware of.

M.E., from O.Fr. sens, from L. sensus "perception, feeling, undertaking," from sentire "perceive, feel, know."

Hess, loan from Ar. Hess kardan, hessidan infinitives from hess.


Fr.: sensibilité   

1) Capacity for sensation or feeling; responsiveness to sensory stimuli.
2) Physics: The realignment of a magnetic compass pointer along a magnetic field line after the pointer has been deflected.

sensible; → -ity.

  حسّ-پذیر، حسّیدنی   
hess-pazir, hessidani

Fr.: sensible   

That can be perceived by the senses.

M.E., from O.Fr. from L. sensibilis "having feeling, perceptible by the senses," from sensus, p.p. of sentire "perceive, feel," → sense.

Hess-pazir, from hess, → sense + pazir, → -able; hessidani, from hessidan (v.) + -i, → -able.

sensible horizon
  افق ِ حسّ-پذیر، ~ حسّیدنی   
ofoq-e hess-pazir, ~ hessidani

Fr.: horizon sensible   

The great circle of the celestial sphere whose poles are the nadir and zenith. Same as astronomical horizon.

sensible; → horizon.

<< < -sc Sag sam sat sca sca Sch sci Sea sec sec see sel sem sen ser Sey Sha she sho sid sig SIM sim Sin ske sle Smi SNR sof sol sol sol sol sou sou spa spa spe spe spe sph spi spi Spo squ sta sta sta sta Ste ste ste sto str str str sub sub sub sun sup sup sup sup sur sus sym syn syz > >>