<< < -sc Sag sam sat sca sca Sch sci Sea sec sec see sel sem sen ser Sey Sha she sho sid sig SIM sim Sin ske sle Smi SNR sof sol sol sol sol sou sou spa spa spe spe spe sph spi spi Spo squ sta sta sta sta Ste ste ste sto str str str sub sub sub sun sup sup sup sup sur sus sym syn syz > >>
sensitive hessmand Fr.: sensitif Endowed with sensation; having perception through the senses. Responding to a stimulus. From M.Fr. sensitif, from M.L. sensitivus "capable of sensation," from L. sensus, p.p. of sentire "feel perceive," → sense. hessmand, from hess, → sense + -mand possession suffix. |
sensitivity hessmandi Fr.: sensibilité 1) The required brightness for an object in order to be detected by an observing instrument.
A highly sensitive telescope can detect dim objects, while a telescope
with low sensitivity can detect only bright ones. State noun from → sensitive. |
sensor hessgar Fr.: senseur A device that receives and responds to a signal or stimulus (light, temperature, radiation level, or the like) by transmitting to a control equipment with the required degree of accuracy. → wavefront sensor. |
sentence sahân Fr.: 1) phrase; 2) sentence 1) Grammar: A grammatical unit of one or more words that expresses
an independent statement, question, request, command, exclamation,
etc., and that typically has a subject as well as a predicate, as in
John is here. or Is John here? (Dictionary.com). M.E., from O.Fr. sentence "judgment, decision; statement of authority," from L. sententia "thought, opinion; judgment," also "a thought expressed," from sentientem, p.p. of sentire "be of opinion, feel, perceive." Sahân, related to soxan, → speech and pâsox, → response; Mid.Pers saxwan "speech, word;" O.Pers. θanh- "to declare, say;" Av. səngh- (sanh-) "to declare;" Proto-Ir. *sanh- "to declare, explain;" cf. Skt. śams- "to praise, recite;" L. censere "to estimate, think; decide;" PIE *kens- "to announce, proclaim" (Cheung 2007). |
sentential sahâni Fr.: phrastique Pertaining to or of the nature of a → sentence. |
sentential logic guyik-e sahâni Fr.: logique des propositions, ~ phrastique Same as → propositional logic. → sentential; → logic. |
separate 1) jodâ (#); 2) jodâ kardan, jodidan Fr.: 1) séparé; 2) séparer 1) Detached, disconnected, disjoined. → separation. |
separation jodâyi (#) Fr.: séparation General:
The act or process of separating. The place at which a division or parting occurs. M.E., from O.Fr. separation, from L. separationem, from separare "to pull apart," from se- "apart" + parare "make ready, prepare." Jodâyi state noun of jodâ "separate," from Mid.Pers. yut "separate, different;" Av. yuta- "separate, apart." |
separation energy kâruž-e jodâyi Fr.: énergie de séparation The energy required to remove a particle (a proton or a neutron) from a particular atomic nucleus. → separation; → energy. |
separator jodâgar Fr.: séparateur A person or thing that separates. → decimal point. |
separatrix jodâgar Fr.: séparatrice 1) General: Something that divides or separates. Plural: separatrices. From L. separatrix "she that separates," → separation; -trix a suffix. Jodâgar, from jodâ "separate," → separation, + -gar, → -or. |
sequence peyâyé, rešté Fr.: 1) suite, séquence; 2) suite 1) General:
The following of one thing after another; succession;
something that follows; connected line of events, ideas, etc. M.E., from O.Fr. sequence "answering verses," from M.L. sequentia "a following, a succession," from L. sequentem (nominative sequens), pr.p. of sequi "to follow;" PIE base *sekw- "to follow;" cf. Pers. az from; Mid.Pers. hac "from;" Av. hac-, hax- "to follow," hacaiti "follows" (O.Pers. hacā "from;" Av. hacā "from, out of;" Skt. sácā "with"); Skt. sácate "accompanies, follows;" Gk. hepesthai "to follow;" Lith. seku "to follow." Peyâyé, literally "that follows; a subsequent event," from pey
"after; step," related to pâ "foot"
(Mid.Pers. pâd, pây, Av. pad-, Skt. pat,
Gk. pos, gen. podos, L. pes, gen. pedis,
P.Gmc. *fot, E. foot, Ger. Fuss, Fr. pied;
PIE *pod-/*ped-) +
ây- present stem of âmadan "to come, arrive, become"
(Av. ay- "to go, to come," aēiti "goes;"
O.Pers. aitiy "goes;"
Skt. e- "to come near," eti "arrival;" L. ire "to go;" Goth.
iddja "went," Lith. eiti "to go;" Rus. idti "to go")
+-é nuance suffix. |
sequential peyâye-yi Fr.: séquentiel Following in order of time or place. Adj. from → sequence. |
sequential star formation diseš-e peyâye-yi-e setâré Fr.: formation séquentielle d'étoiles The formation of second-generation stars in a → molecular cloud, as triggered by the presence of → massive stars. The observation that some nearby → OB associations contain distinct, spatially separate subgroups of → OB stars in a sequence of monotonically changing age led Blaauw (1964, ARA&A 2, 213) to suggest that star formation in fact occurs in sequential bursts during the lifetimes of the corresponding molecular clouds. The first quantitative model of this mechanism was presented by Elmegreen and Lada (1977, ApJ 214, 725), who showed that the powerful ultraviolet photons of the massive star create an → ionization front which advances in the molecular cloud and is preceded by a → shock front. The compressed neutral gas lying between the ionization and shock fronts is gravitationally unstable and collapses in time-scales of a few million years to form a new generation of massive stars. The propagation of successive births of OB groups would produce a chain of associations presenting a gradient of age. Elmegreen and Lada estimated the propagation velocity to be 5 km s-1. For a region with a length larger than 100 pc, this would imply an age difference of the order of 20 million years between the extremities. See also → stimulated star formation, → triggered star formation; → collect and collapse model. → sequential; → star formation. |
serial risvâr Fr.: 1) feuilleton, périodique; 2) en série, de série 1) Anything published, broadcast, etc., in short installments at regular
intervals, as a novel appearing in successive issues of a magazine. |
series seri (#), rise (#) Fr.: série 1) Math.: A sequence of numbers or mathematical expressions such as the
n-th term may be written down in general form, and any
particular term (say, the r-th) may be obtained by substituting
r for n; e.g. xn is the general term of the series
1, x, x2, x3, ..., xn. From L. series "row, chain, series," from serere "to join, link, bind together," from PIE base *ser- "to line up, join." Seri, loan from Fr., as above. |
serious padel Fr.: sérieux 1) Of or relating to a matter of importance. From M.E., from O.Fr. serios "grave, earnest" and directly from Late L. seriosus, from L. serius "weighty, important, grave," probably from a PIE root *swer- "slow, heavy;" cf. Lith. sveriu, sverti "to weigh, lift," svarus "heavy, weighty;" O.E. swaer "heavy," Ger. schwer "heavy," Gothic swers "honored, esteemed," literally "weighty"). Padel, from Balôci padel "serious," of unknown origin. |
Serpens Mâr (#) Fr.: Serpent The Serpent. An inconspicuous, irregular constellation situated on both sides of → Ophiuchus. The constellation is divided into two unequal parts, originally called Serpens Caput "Serpent's Head" at 15h 30m right ascension, 15° north declination, and Serpens Cauda "Serpent's Body" at 18h 30m right ascension, 0° declination. The brightest star, Alpha Serpentis, is of second magnitude. Abbreviation: Ser; Genitive: Serpentis. From L. serpens "snake," from pr.p. of serpere "to creep," from PIE *serp- "to crawl;" cf. Skt. sarp- "to creep, crawl," sárpati "creeps," sarpá- "serpent;" Gk. herpein "to creep," herpeton "serpent;" Alb. garper "serpent." Mâr "snake, serpent;" Mid.Pers. mâr "snake;" Av. mairya- "snake, serpent." |
Sersic profile farâpâl-e Sérsic Fr.: profile de Sérsic A mathematical function that describes how the → intensity I of a → galaxy varies with distance R from its center. It is given by: (dln I/dln R) = -(b/n)(R/Re)1/n. The constant b is chosen such that Re is the → effective radius; n is the Sérsic index. The Sérsic profile is a generalization of → de Vaucouleurs law. Setting n = 4 gives the de Vaucouleurs profile. J. L. Sérsic, 1963, Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia, Vol. 6, p.41; → profile. |
serve zâvaridan Fr.: servir To render assistance; be of use. To have definite use. Verbal form of service, → server. |
<< < -sc Sag sam sat sca sca Sch sci Sea sec sec see sel sem sen ser Sey Sha she sho sid sig SIM sim Sin ske sle Smi SNR sof sol sol sol sol sou sou spa spa spe spe spe sph spi spi Spo squ sta sta sta sta Ste ste ste sto str str str sub sub sub sun sup sup sup sup sur sus sym syn syz > >>