<< < -sc Sag sam sat sca sca Sch sci Sea sec sec see sel sem sen ser Sey Sha she sho sid sig SIM sim Sin ske sle Smi SNR sof sol sol sol sol sou sou spa spa spe spe spe sph spi spi Spo squ sta sta sta sta Ste ste ste sto str str str sub sub sub sun sup sup sup sup sur sus sym syn syz > >>
Shapley's wing Bâl-e Shapley Fr.: Bras de Shapley A large cloud of faint stars extending eastward from the → Small Magellanic Cloud to the → Large Magellanic Cloud. The wing is in fact the tail of a much larger → neutral hydrogen structure linking the SMC to the LMC. Models and observations suggest that the structure known as the → Magellanic Stream results from the Clouds' interaction with each other and the Milky Way. Several works support the finding that the SMC wing is pointing toward the LMC, and is therefore closer to us than the SMC bar. Named after the American astronomer Harlow Shapley (1885-1972), who discovered this structure (1940, Harvard Bull., 914, 8); → wing. |
Shapley-Ames Catalog kâtâlog-e Shapely-Ames Fr.: catalogue de Shapely-Ames A catalog of 1,249 galaxies, brighter than the 13th magnitude, published in 1932. A revised version was published by A.R. Sandage and G. A. Tammann in 1981. By the American astronomer Harlow Shapley (1885-1972) and the American woman astronomer Adelaide Ames (1900-1932), who died in a drowning accident; → catalog. |
Sharafeddin's staff cubdast-e sharafeddin Fr.: bâton de Sharafeddin Named after the Iranian mathematician and astronomer Sharafeddin Tusi (c1135-1213), who invented the instrument. Not to be confused with Nasireddin Tusi (1201-1274), → Nasireddin couple; → staff. |
share 1) baš; 2) bašidan Fr.: 1) part; 2) partager 1a) The full or proper portion or part allotted or belonging to or
contributed or owed by an individual or group. M.E., from O.E. scearu "a cutting, shearing; a part or division," related to sceran "to cut;" O.H.G. scara "troop, share of forced labor," Ger. Schar "troop, band," properly "a part of an army," O.N. skör "rim;" from PIE root *(s)ker- "to cut." Bâš, from Kurd. (Sorani) baš "share, part;" variant of baxš "share, portion;" baxšidan "to divide," → division; bâž "tribute, toll, impost," → distribute. |
sharp 1) tiz; 2) tig Fr.: 1) tranchant, pointu; 2) net 1) Having a thin cutting edge or a fine point. M.E.; O.E. scearp "cutting, keen, sharp;" cf. Du. scherp, Ger. scharf "sharp;" PIE base *(s)ker- "to cut." Tiz "sharp," variants tež, tej, tij, tiq, tik, tig; Mid.Pers. tigr, têz, têž "sharp;" O.Pers. tigra- "pointed," tigra.xauda- "pointed helmet (epithet of Scythians);" Av. tiγra- "pointed," tiγray- "arrow," tiži.arštay- "with the pointed spear;" cf. Skt. tikta- "sharp, pungent, bitter," tejas- "sharpness, edge, point or top of a flame;" PIE base *st(e)ig- "to stick; pointed." Cognates in other IE languages: Gk. stizein "to prick, puncture," stigma "mark made by a pointed instrument;" L. in-stigare "to goad;" O.H.G. stehhan; Ger. stechen "to stab, prick;" Du. stecken; O.E. sticca "rod, twig, spoon;" E. stick. |
sharp image vine-ye tig, tasvir-e ~ Fr.: image nette An image with clear and distinct details. Opposite of → blurred image. |
sharpen 1) tiz kardan; 2) tigidan Fr.: 1) aiguiser; 2) rendre plus net 1) To make sharp or sharper. Verbal form of → sharp. Tigidan "to sharpen," verbal form of tig→ sharp. |
Sharpless catalogue kâtâlog-e Sharpless Fr.: catalogue de Sharpless A list of 313 individual → H II regions in the → northern → Milky Way (north of declination -27°). It includes several → planetary nebulae, → supernova remnants, and → reflection nebulae. The first edition (Sh-1) was published in 1953 with 142 objects and second and final version (Sh-2) was published in 1959. The catalog categorizes the H II regions in terms of several parameters, such as diameter, form (circular, elliptical, irregular), structure (amorphous/filamentary), brightness, and number of associated stars, which are further discussed in terms of their spectral classes. Stewart Sharpless (1959) A Catalogue of H II Regions, ApJ Suppl. 4, 257; → catalog. |
Shaula (Lambda Scorpii) Shulé (#) Fr.: Shaula, λ Scorpii The second brightest star in the constellation → Scorpius, lying at a distance of 570 → light-years. With → Lesath (Upsilon Scorpii) both stars make up the Scorpion's stinger. Shaula is a → multiple star with three visible → components. The first one, Lambda Scorpii A, is classified as a B2 IV → subgiant. The 15th magnitude Lambda Scorpii B has a separation of 42 arcseconds from component A, while the 12th magnitude Lambda Scorpii C is 95 arcseconds from A. It is not known whether or not these components are physically associated with component A. The component A is actually a → triple system consisting of two → B-type stars and a → pre-main sequence star. Shaula, from Ar. ash-shaulah ( |
SHB star setâre-ye SHB Fr.: étoile SHB Same as → supra-horizontal branch star. → supra-; → horizontal; → branch; → star. |
shear 1) karn; 2) karnidan Fr.: 1) cisaillement; 2) cisailler 1) (n.) General: A scissors of large size. M.E. sheren, O.E. sceran, scieran; cf. O.H.G. scrinden "to split;", Du. scheren, Ger. scheren "to shear;" from PIE *(s)ker- "to cut, to scrape, to hack;" cf. Pers. kârd "knife;" Av. kart- "to cut;" Skt. krntáti "cuts;" Gk. keirein "to cut, shear;" Lith. skiriu "to separate." 1) Karn, from Laki caré, Farâhâni carra, Tabari carci
"a scissors for cutting sheep wool," cognate with Pers. kârd "knife; "
Mid.Pers. kârt "knife," karēnītan, karītan "to cut;"
Av. karət- "to cut;" cf. Skt. kart- "to cut,"
krpāna- "sword, knife;"
Gk. karpos "fruit;" L. carpere "to cut, divide, pluck;"
PIE base *(s)ker- "to cut." |
shear modulus peymun-e karn Fr.: module de cisaillement The ratio of the applied → stress to the change in shape (→ strain) produced in an → elastic body. The bigger this quantity the more rigid is the material since for the same change in strain a bigger force is needed. Also called → shear modulus. |
shear turbulence âšubnâki-ye karni Fr.: turbulence de cisaillement A type of → instability occurring within a → fluid as a result of the → shear caused by → differential rotation. The condition for shear instability is expressed by the → Richardson criterion. Shear turbulence is likely the most efficient → mixing process in stellar → radiative zones. → shear; → turbulence. |
shear wave mowj-e karni Fr.: onde de cisaillement A wave that occurs in an elastic medium with the disturbances perpendicular to the direction of motion of the wave. Shear waves do not propagate through a fluid. Also called S-wave, secondary wave, and transverse wave. |
Shedir (α Cassiopeiae) Sadr (#) Fr.: Shedir The brightest star in the constellation → Cassiopeia. It is a supergiant K0 III star with a visual magnitude of 2.23 at a distance of 230 light-years. It has a large luminosity, 855 times that of our Sun, and a notable size, 48 times that of the Sun. Its effective temperature is 4530 K. Name variants: Schedar, Shedar, and Schedir. Also known as HR 168 and HD 3712. From Ar. as-sadr ( |
sheep gusfand (#) Fr.: mouton A domesticated ruminant mammal with a thick woolly coat and (typically only in the male) curving horns. It is kept in flocks for its wool or meat (OxfordDictionaries.com). M.E., from O.E. sceap; related to O.Frisian skep, O.Saxon scap, O.H.G. scaf, Ger. Schaf. Gusfand, guspand, from Mid.Pers. gôspand "cattle in general," especially "sheep, goats," as distinguished from horses and cows, Av. gaospənta- "sanctified, consecrated cow," from gao-, → cow, + spənta- "sanctfied, holy," → holiday. |
shell pusté (#), pukel Fr.: coquille; couche 1) General: A relatively thin external form covering a hollow space. M.E.; from O.E. scell, sciell; cognate with Dutch schil "peel, skin," O.Norse skel "shell," from PIE root *(s)ker "to cut," → bark. Pusté "shell," from pust "skin;" Mid.Pers.
pôst "skin;" O.Pers. pavastā- "thin clay envelope used
to protect unbaked clay tablets;"
Av. pastô-, in pastô.fraθanhəm "of
the breadth of the skin;" Skt. pavásta- "cover," Proto-Indo-Iranian
*pauastā- "cloth." |
shell burning suzeš-e pusté Fr.: combustion en couche The nuclear reactions in a shell around a star's core that continue after the fuel in the core itself has been exhausted. As the fuel is progressively exhausted, the shell moves outward until it enters regions too cool for the reactions to continue. For example, after the exhaustion of hydrogen in the core, helium burning might take place in the core with a shell of hydrogen burning surrounding it. Stars may have more than one region of shell burning during their stellar evolution, each shell with its own nuclear reactions. → hydrogen shell burning; → helium shell burning. |
shell galaxy kahkešân-e pustedâr Fr.: galaxie en coquille An elliptical galaxy that is surrounded by thin shells of stars which are thought to have been ejected during a galaxy merger. Shell galaxies are different from ring galaxies in that the shells are much further away from the galaxy's centre and much fainter than the rings. Spectroscopy of the stars in the shell show that they are old whereas the stars in a ring galaxy are young. |
shell star setâre-ye pustedâr Fr.: étoile à enveloppe A main-sequence star, usually of spectral class B to F, whose spectrum shows bright emission lines superimposed on the normal absorption lines. The emission spectrum is explained by the presence of a circumstellar shell of gas surrounding the star at the equator. Shell stars are fast rotators. |
<< < -sc Sag sam sat sca sca Sch sci Sea sec sec see sel sem sen ser Sey Sha she sho sid sig SIM sim Sin ske sle Smi SNR sof sol sol sol sol sou sou spa spa spe spe spe sph spi spi Spo squ sta sta sta sta Ste ste ste sto str str str sub sub sub sun sup sup sup sup sur sus sym syn syz > >>