<< < -sc Sag sam sat sca sca Sch sci Sea sec sec see sel sem sen ser Sey Sha she sho sid sig SIM sim Sin ske sle Smi SNR sof sol sol sol sol sou sou spa spa spe spe spe sph spi spi Spo squ sta sta sta sta Ste ste ste sto str str str sub sub sub sun sup sup sup sup sur sus sym syn syz > >>
shot effect nufe-ye Schottky Fr.: effet Schottky Same as → Schottky noise; → shot noise. Translation of Ger. Schroteffekt, from Schrot "small shot, buckshot" + Effekt; → effect. |
shot noise nufe-ye Schottky Fr.: bruit de grenaille Same as → Schottky noise and → shot effect. → shot effect. |
shoulder duš (#), soft (#) Fr.: épaule The upper joint of each of a person's → arms and the part of the → body between this and the → neck. M.E. schuldre, sholder, shulder, schulder, from O.E. sculdra, sculdor, akin to Du. schouder, Ger. Schulter. Duš "shoulder;" Mid.Pers. dôš "shoulder;"
Av. daoš- "shoulder;" cf. Skt. dós- "shoulder." |
shoulder blade šâné (#), ketf (#) Fr.: omoplate → scapula. → shoulder; blade, M.E.; O.E. blæd "blade of grass;" cognate with Du. blad, Ger. Blatt. Šâné, ketf, → scapula. |
shower ragbâr, tondbâr (#) Fr.: 1) averse; 2) gerbe 1) A brief, abrupt precipitation from a cloud, characterized by the suddenness
with which it begins and ends and by the rapid changes in intensity. M.E. shour; O.E. scur "short fall of rain, fall of missiles or blows;" cf. O.N. skur, O.S., O.H.G. scur, Ger. Schauer. Ragbâr "cloudburst," from rag "cloudburst; thunder,"
→ rain + bâr "raining, rain," from bâridan,
→ rain. |
shower meteor šahâb-e bârâni, ~ ragbâri Fr.: météore de la pluie, ~ ~ l'averse A → meteor that is part of a group moving in the same orbit around the Sun. → meteor shower. |
shutter bastâr (#) Fr.: obturateur
1) A pair of rolling lids that are used to open or close the dome slit.
Same as → dome shutter. Shutter, from shut (v.), from O.E. scyttan from W.Gmc. *skutjanan + → -er. Bastâr, from bast, past tense stem of bastan + -âr. Bastan, from Mid.Pers. bastan/vastan "to bind, shut," Av./O.Pers. band- "to bind, fetter," banda- "band, tie," Skt. bandh- "to bind, tie, fasten," PIE *bhendh- "to bind," cf. Ger. binden, E. bind, → band. The suffix -âr creates agent nouns (as in xaridâr, virâstâr, foruxtâr, nemudâr, etc.). |
SI system râžmân-e SI Fr.: système international The system of → SI units. → SI units. |
SI units yekâhâ-ye SI Fr.: Système International A coherent and rationalized system of units, in common use in physics since 1969. The seven basic units are the → meter, the → kilogram, the → second, the → ampere, the → kelvin, the → mole, and the → candela. Same as international system of units. SI, from Fr. Système Internationale d'unités; → unit. |
sibling barxâ, hamšir (#) Fr.: enfant de mêmes parents A person's brother or sister. M.E., from O.E. sibling "relative, kinsman," from sibb "kinship, relationship; love, friendship," cf. O.Saxon sibba, M.Du. sibbe, O.H.G. sippa, Ger. Sippe "kin, related," Icelandic sifi "related." Barxâ, from bar- first syllable of barâdar,
→ brother, + xâ-, short for
xâhar (xwâhar), → sister. |
sickle dâs (#) Fr.: faucille 1) An implement for cutting grain, grass, etc., consisting of a curved, hooklike
blade mounted in a short handle. M.E. sikel, O.E. sicol; cf. Du. sikkel, Ger. Sichel, ultimately from L. secula "sickle," from PIE root *sek- "to cut," → section. Das "sickle," Mid.Pers. dâs "sickle;" variant dahre, → scythe; Wakhi δətr, Parachi dêš "sickle;" ultimately from Proto-Iranian *dāθra-; cf. Skt. dātra- "sickle, scythe." |
Sickle of Leo Dâs-e Šir Fr.: Faucille du Lion A sickle-shaped → asterism forming the back of the Lion's head. It is marked by six stars: ε Leonis, μ Leonis, ζ Leonis, γ Leonis, η Leonis, and α Leonis (→ Regulus). |
side bar (#), pahku (#), kenâr (#) Fr.: côté 1) A line segment that forms part of the perimeter of a plane geometric figure. M.E., from O.E. side "flanks of a person, the long part of anything;" cf. O.S. sida, O.N. sitha, M.Du. side, O.H.G. sita, Ger. Seite. Bar "side; breadth; breast,"
variant var; Mid.Pers. var "breast;"
Av. vouru "wide, broad, extended" (vourucašāni- "looking far"),
related to varah- "breast;" cf. Skt. urú- "wide, broad,"
úras- "breast;" Gk. eurus "wide, broad;"
PIE base uer-, ueru-s "wide, broad." |
side lobe lap-e kenâri Fr.: lobe secondaire 1) In → radio astronomy,
smaller amounts of gain found either side of the main lobe. |
sideband bând-e kenâri, kenâr-bând Fr.: bande latérale Either of the two bands of frequencies, one just above (upper side) and one just below (lower side) a carrier frequency, that result from modulation of a carrier wave. Bând, → band; kenâr "side," variant karân "edge, limit;" Mid.Pers. karân, karânak, kenâr "edge, limit, boundary;" Av. karana- "side, boundary, end." |
sidereal axtari (#) Fr.: sidéral Of, relating to, or determined by or from stars. From M.Fr. sidereal, from L. sidereus "starry, astral," from sidus (genitive sideris) "star, constellation." Axtari, pertaining to axtar "star," probably a variant of setâré→ star. |
sidereal day ruz-e axtari (#) Fr.: jour sidéral The period of → Earth's rotation around its axis, the mean value of which is about 23h 56m 04.092s (23.934 470 hours). In other words, the interval between two successive passages of a star across a given → meridian. The sidereal day is 3 minutes 56 seconds shorter than the → mean solar day. The reason is that Earth moves a little less than a degree around the Sun during the time it takes for one full axial rotation. So, for the Sun to appear on the same meridian in the sky again after one full axial rotation, the Earth has to rotate one extra degree to bring the Sun into the same apparent meridian in the sky. This is also why the stars rise and set about 4 min earlier each day. |
sidereal hour angle zâviye-ye sâ'ati-ye axtari (#) Fr.: angle horaire The angle on the celestial sphere measured westward from the hour circle of the vernal equinox to that of the celestial body. → sidereal; → hour angle. |
sidereal month mâh-e axtari (#) Fr.: mois sidéral The time taken by the Moon to complete one → revolution around the Earth with respect to a background, → fixed star. The average time is 27.321 661 days (27d 7h 43m 11.5s). Same as → lunar sidereal orbital period. |
sidereal period dowre-ye axtari (#) Fr.: période sidérale |
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