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Sinope Sinopé (#) Fr.: Sinopé The outermost of Jupiter's known confirmed satellites, also known as Jupiter IX, discovered by Seth B. Nicholson (1891-1963) in 1914. With a visual magnitude of 18.3, it has a diameter of 28 km and orbits Jupiter at a mean distance of 23,848,000 km every 753 days. In Gk. mythology a Naias Nymphe who was abducted by Zeus to a Black Sea coast where the city of Sinope was named for her. According to most sources, she tricked Zeus into swearing an oath promising her her virginity. |
sinusoidal sinusi (#) Fr.: sinusoïdal Having the characteristics of a sine function; same as → sine wave. |
sip 1) cašelidan; 2) cašel Fr.: 1) siroter, boire à petite gorgées; 2) gorgée 1) To drink (a liquid) a little at a time; take small tastes of. M.E. sippen (v.), akin to Low German sippen "to sip." Cašel, from Pashto cašəl "to drink," caceq "to drip;" related to cašidan "to taste," → taste. |
siphon sifon (#) Fr.: siphon A ∩-shaped tube with unequal arms that is used to move a liquid from one level to a lower level via a third level higher than either. Once the short arm is filled, for example, by suction, the liquid flows down in the long arm under the action of gravity due to mass excess in it. From Fr. siphon, from L. sipho (genitive siphonis), from Gk. siphon "pipe, tube," of unknown origin. |
Sirius (α CMa) Tištar (#) Fr.: Sirius The white star in the constellation → Canis Major that is the brightest star of the sky (V = -1.46). Its other designations include HD 48915, HR 2491, and BD-16°1591. Its particular brightness is mostly due to its proximity to the Earth, being a mere 8.6 → light-years away, the fifth closest star system. Sirius is a → dwarf star of → spectral type A0 or A1 V with an → effective temperature of 9,880 K, a mass of 2.063 ± 0.023 Msun (Bond et al., 2017, ApJ 840, 70), and a → luminosity of 26 Lsun. Sirius has a radius of 1.75 solar and a minimum equatorial rotation speed of 16 km s-1. Its → rotation period is less than 5.5 days. This star is a → visual binary (separation 4.6 arcsec, period 50 years), the companion → Sirius B being the first → white dwarf to be discovered. Sirius is a → metal-rich star, its iron content triple that of the Sun, most likely from some sort of → element diffusion. From L. Sirius, from Gk. Seirios, literally "scorching," because of its brightness. Tištar, from Mid.Pers. Tištar, from Av. Tištrya- "(name of the deified star) Sirius," literally "the one who belongs to the three stars," in reference to the three stars of → Orion's Belt; ultimately from PIE *tri-str-o-m- "group of three stars," then *tri-str-iia- and by dissimulation Indo-Iranian *ti-str-iia-, Av. *Tištriia- and Vedic Skt. Tisyà (A. Panaino, in Iranica, under Tištrya). |
Sirius B Tištar B Fr.: Sirius B Same as → companion of Sirius. → Sirius; B, letter of alphabet by convention. |
Sirrah (α Andromedae) Ra's-ol-Mosalsale (#) Fr.: Sirrah Same as → Alpheratz. Sirah, contraction of Ar. As-Surrat al-Faras ( Ra's-ol-Mosalsalé, from Ar. Ar-Ra's al-Mar'ah al-Musalsalah "The head of the chained woman," from Ra's "head" + Mar'ah "woman" + Musalsalah "chained". |
SIS mixer âmizgar-e SIS Fr.: mélangeur SIS In a → superheterodyne receiver, a → mixer which consists of a sandwich structure of two superconducting leads separated by a thin isolator. SIS mixers give a good noise performance especially for → millimeter wavelengths. SIS, acronym for Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor; → mixer. |
sister xâhar (#) Fr.: sœur A female person having the same parents as another person. M.E. suster, sister, from O.E. sweostor, swuster or Old Norse systir, in either case ultimately from PIE *swesor; cf. Skt. svásar-, Av. xvaηnhar-, Pers. xâhar, xwâhar, as below, Gk. eor, L. soror (Fr. sœur), O.C.S., Rus. sestra, O.Ir. siur, Sw. syster, Dan. soster, O.Sax. swestar, M.Du. suster, Du. zuster, O.H.G. swester, Ger. Schwester. Xâhar, xwâhar, from Mid.Pers. xwah(ar) "sister;" Av. xvaηnhar- "sister;" cf. Khotanese hvar- "sister;" cognate with E. sister, as above. |
sit nešastan (#) Fr.: s'asseoir 1) To rest with the body supported by the buttocks or thighs; be seated. Nešastan "to sit down; to settle down; to sink;" Mid.Pers. nišastan "to sit;" O.Pers. nišādayam [1 sg.impf.caus.act.] "to sit down, to establish," hadiš- "abode;" Av. nišasiiā [1 sg.subj.acr.] "I shall sit down," from nihad- "to sit down," from → ni- "down; into" + had- "to sit;" PIE base *sed- "to sit;" cf. Skt. sad- "to sit," sidati "sits;" Gk. hezomai "to sit," hedra "seat, chair;" L. sedere "to sit;" O.Ir. suide "seat, sitting;" Welsh sedd "seat;" Lith. sedmi "to sit;" Rus. sad "garden;" Goth. sitan, Ger. sitzen; E. sit. See also: → reside, → settle. |
site sit Fr.: site The position or location of a building, observatory, etc. especially as to its environment. → astronomical site. M.E., from L situs "position, arrangement, site," from sinere "to let, leave alone, permit," cognate with Av. šiti- "place, abode, residence," as below. Sit, from Av. šiti- "place, abode, residence," šitāy- "habitation, dwelling," from ši- "to live;" cognate with Skt. ksay- "to live, to stay," kséti "he dwells;" Gk. ktizein "to inhabit, build;" L. situs "position, site; situated." |
site selection gozineš-e sit Fr.: sélection de site The process of choosing a site for an astronomical observatory based on meteorology, seeing conditions, and access to the site. → site; → selection. |
situate sitidan Fr.: situer To place in a site or context; to locate. From M.L. situatus, p.p. of situare "to place, locate," from L. situs "place, position." Sitidan, from sit, → site, + -idan infinitive suffix. |
situated sitidé Fr.: situé Having a site, situation or location. P.p. of → situate. |
situation siteš Fr.: situation 1) The manner of being placed with respect to surroundings. Verbal noun of → situate. |
six šeš (#) Fr.: six A cardinal number, five plus one. M.E. six, sex; O.E. siex, syx, seox, sex, from P.Gmc. *sekhs (cf. O.S. seks, O.N., O.Fris. sex, M.Du. sesse, Du. zes, O.H.G. sehs, Ger. sechs, Goth. saihs), from PIE *seks-, cognate with Pers. šeš, as below. Šeš, from Mid.Pers. šaš; Av. xšuuaš- "six;" cf. Skt. sás- "six;" Gk. hex; L. sex (Fr. six; Sp. seis); O.C.S. sesti; Lith. sesi; O.Ir. se; Welsh chwech; E. six, as above. |
sixty šast (#) Fr.: soixante A cardinal number, ten times six. → sexagesimal. M.E.; O.E. sixtig, from → six + -tig a suffix of numerals denoting multiples of ten. Šast "sixty;" Mid.Pers. šast "sixty;" Av. xšuuašti- "sixty;" cf. Skt. sasti- "six;" L. sexaginta "sixty." |
size andâzé (#) Fr.: taille The spatial dimensions, extent, proportions, amount, or degree of something. M.E. syse originally "control, regulation, limit," from O.Fr. sise shortened form of assise "session, regulation, manner." 1) Andâzé "measure, size" from Mid.Pers. andâzag, handâcak "measure," handâxtan, handâz- "to measure," Manichean Mid.Pers. hnds- "to measure," Proto-Iranian *hamdas-, from ham-, → com-, + *das- "to heap, amass;" cf. Ossetic dasun/dast "to heap up;" Arm. loanword dasel "to arrange (a crowd, people)," das "order, arrangement," |
size of a graph andâze-ye negâré Fr.: taille de graphe The number of → edges. |
size parameter pârâmun-e andâzé Fr.: paramètre de taille A quantity that defines the type of → scattering. |
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