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explicit function karyâ-ye ostâhi Fr.: fonction explicite The most usual form of a function in which the dependent variable (written on the left hand side of the Same as → equality sign) is expressed directly in terms of independent variables written on the left (on the right hand side). See also → implicit function. |
explode oskaftan, oskaftidan Fr.: exploser Verbal form of → explosion. From L. explodere "drive out or off by clapping," originally theatrical, "to drive an actor off the stage by making noise," from → ex- "out" + plaudere "to clap, beat," of uncertain origin. Oskaftidan, from os-, → ex- + kaftidan "to burst; to split," variants kaftan, kâftan "to split; to dig," Parthian Mid.Pers. q'f- "to split;" Sogdian kβ "to spli;" Chorasmian kf- "to split, be split;" Proto-Iranian *kap-, *kaf- "to split." |
exploration puyeš (#) Fr.: exploration 1) An act or instance of exploring or investigating; examination. Verbal noun of → explore. |
explore puyidan (#) Fr.: explorer 1) To travel to or in a place for the purpose of discovery. From L. explorare "investigate, search out;" said to be originally a hunters' term meaning "set up a loud cry," from → ex- "out" + plorare "to cry." Puyidan, originally "to run, trot; wander," from Mid.Pers. pôy-, pwd- "to run;" cf. Gk. speudein "to hasten;" Lith. spudinti. |
explorer puyandé, puyešgar (#) Fr.: explorateur A person or thing that explores. Agent noun of → explore. |
explosion oskaft Fr.: explosion The sudden and violent release of mechanical, chemical, or nuclear energy from a confined space which creates a heat wave that travels at → subsonic speeds. → detonation; → deflagration; → implosion. Verbal noun of → explode. |
explosive 1) oskaftâk; 2) oskafti, oskaftandé Fr.: explosif 1) (n.) A chemical or compound that causes a sudden, almost instantaneous
release of pressure, gas, heat, and light when subjected to sudden
shock, pressure, high temperature, or applied potential. From explos(ion), → explosion + → -ive. Oskaftâk, from oskaft-, stem of oskaftan, → explode, + -âk noun suffix. |
explosive nucleosynthesis hasté andâyeš-e oskafti Fr.: nucléosynthèse explosive The explosive processes that are believed to occur in supernovae. Explosive carbon burning occurs at a temperature of about 2 × 109 degrees and produces the nuclei from neon to silicon. Explosive oxygen burning occurs near 4 × 109 degrees and produces nuclei between silicon and calcium in atomic weight.At higher temperatures, still heavier nuclei are produced. → explosive; → nucleosynthesis. |
explosivity oskaftandegi Fr.: explosivité 1) The state or quality of being explosive. |
exponent nemâ (#) Fr.: exposant Math.: A symbol or number placed above and after another symbol or number (called the base) to denote the power to which the latter is to be raised. Examples: n in the expresseion an; 3 in the expression 23. From L. exponentem, pr.p. of exponere "put forth, explain," from → ex- "forth" + ponere "to put, to place." Nemâ, agent noun of nemudan "to show, display," from Mid.Pers. nimūdan, from ne- "down; into;" O.Pers./Av. ni- "down; into," → ni-, + mun, Av. māy- "to measure," → display. |
exponential nemâyi (#) Fr.: exponentiel Of or expressed by a mathematical → exponent. → exponential curve, → exponential equation, → exponential function. |
exponential curve xam-e nemâyi (#) Fr.: courbe exponentielle A curve that represents an → exponential function. → exponential; → curve. |
exponential equation hamugeš-e nemâyi Fr.: équation exponentielle An equation in which unknowns appear as exponents. Examples: 23x + 1 = 32. → exponential; → equation. |
exponential function karyâ-ye nemâyi Fr.: fonction exponentielle A function in the form of y = bx defined for every → real number x, with positive base b > 1. → exponential; → function. |
exponentially nemâyivâr Fr.: exponentiellement In an exponential manner. → exponential; → -ly. |
export 1) osbartidan; osbart Fr.: export 1a) To ship (commodities) to other countries or places for sale, exchange, etc. From L. exportare "to carry out, bring out; send away,," from → ex- "away" + portare "carry." Osbart "carrying away," from os-, → ex-, + bart variant of bord, bordan "to carry" (such as in dialects of Varzaneh barte, Nâin barte, Xonsâr birt, Esfahân bärten); Mid.Pers. burdan; O.Pers./Av. bar- "to bear, carry," barəθre "to bear;" Skt. bharati "he carries;" Gk. pherein; L. fero "to carry;" PIE base *bher- "to carry." |
exposé osneh Fr.: exposé A formal exposition of facts. From Fr. exposé, p.p. of exposer, "to → expose." Noun from osnehâdan, → expose. |
expose 1, 2) osnehâdan; 2) nur dâdan (#) Fr.: exposer 1) To reveal, make known, make visible. M.E. exposen, from O.Fr. exposer "lay open, set forth," from L. exponere "set forth, lay open, exhibit," with contamination from poser "to lay, place" (→ position). doublet of expound. 1) Osnehâdan, from os-, → ex-,
+ nehâdan "to put, place," → position. |
exposition osneheš Fr.: exposition 1) The act of setting forth information or a viewpoint. Verbal noun of → expose. |
exposure 1) osneheš; 2) nurdâd Fr.: pose, exposition 1) The act of exposing; the fact or state of being exposed,
→ expose. Verbal noun of → expose. |
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