<< < -sc Sag sam sat sca sca Sch sci Sea sec sec see sel sem sen ser Sey Sha she sho sid sig SIM sim Sin ske sle Smi SNR sof sol sol sol sol sou sou spa spa spe spe spe sph spi spi Spo squ sta sta sta sta Ste ste ste sto str str str sub sub sub sun sup sup sup sup sur sus sym syn syz > >>
strange particle zarre-e šegeft Fr.: particule étrange An elementary particle created in high-energy particle collisions having a short life and a strangeness quantum number of 1. For example, sigma and xi baryons are strange particles. A strange particle is produced when a strange quark is created in a high-energy collision. → strangeness. → strange; the concept of "strange" arose from the observation that these particles decay rapidly, in contrast to others that do not. → particle. |
strangeness šegefti (#) Fr.: étrangeté A quantum number used to describe certain short-lived particles. It is defined as the number of strange anti-quarks minus the number of strange quarks in a particle. Strangeness is conserved in any strong and electromagnetic interaction, but not in weak interactions. Strangeness, the quality or condition of being → strange. |
Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center (CDS) CDS Fr.: Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) A data center dedicated to the collection and worldwide distribution of astronomical data and related information. It is located at the Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, France. The CDS has several goals, mainly: collecting all of the useful information regarding astronomical objects in computerized form, including observational data produced by observatories on the ground or in space; upgrading these data by critical evaluations and comparisons; and distributing the results to the astronomical community. Currently the CDS services include: → SIMBAD, Aladin interactive sky atlas, and VizieR catalogues. CDS, short for Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg. |
stratification cine-bandi Fr.: stratification A layered structure of sedimentary rocks in which the individual layers can be traced a considerable distance. The layers can be caused by many differences which include materials of different composition, color, grain size or orientation. Strati-, from → stratum + -fication from L. -ficare "to do, make." Ciné, → stratum + bandi, from bastan "to bind, shut; to contract, get, acquire; to coagulate," (Mid.Pers. bastan/vastan "to bind, shut," Av./O.Pers. band- "to bind, fetter," banda- "band, tie," Skt. bandh- "to bind, tie, fasten," PIE *bhendh- "to bind," cf. Ger. binden, E. bind, → band). |
stratigraphic cine-šenâsik, cine-negârik Fr.: stratigraphique Of, relating to, or determined by → stratigraphy. |
stratigraphy cine-šenâsi (#), cine-negâri Fr.: stratigraphie The study of → sedimentary rock units, including their geographic extent, age, classification, characteristics and formation. |
stratosphere cine-sepehr Fr.: stratosphère The second major layer of Earth's atmosphere, just above the → troposphere and below the → mesosphere, extending from about 20 km to 90 km above the Earth. It is characterized by little vertical increase in temperature. From Fr. stratosphère, literally "sphere of layers," coined by Fr. meteorologist Léon-Philippe Teisserenc de Bort (1855-1913) from L. stratus "a spreading out" (from p.p. stem of sternere "to spread out") + -sphère (→ sphere), as in atmosphère. |
stratospheric cine-sepehri Fr.: stratosphérique Of, relating to, or characteristic of the stratosphere. → stratosphere; → -ic. |
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) Nepâhešgâh-e Cine-sepehri barây axtaršenâsi-ye forusorx Fr.: Observatoire stratosphérique pour l'astronomie infrarouge A partnership of NASA and the German Aerospace Center, consisting of an extensively modified Boeing 747SP aircraft carrying a reflecting telescope with an effective diameter of 2.5 m. NASA Ames Research Center manages SOFIA's science and mission operations in cooperation with the Universities Space Research Association and the German SOFIA Institute. SOFIA is the largest airborne observatory in the world, with a planned 20-year lifetime. → stratospheric; → observatory; → infrared; → astronomy. |
stratum ciné (#) Fr.: couche Geophysics:
A layer of the atmosphere or the sea, regarded as lying between horizontal
planes. From L. stratum "thing spread out, pavement," from neuter p.p. of sternere "to spread out, lay down, stretch out," from PIE base *ster- "to spread, extend, stretch out;" cf. Pers. gostar-, gostardan "to spread;" Av. star- "to spread," starati "spreads;" Skt. star- "to spread out, extend, strew," strnati "spreads;" Gk. stornumi "I spread out," strotos "spread, laid out;" Ger. Strahlung "radiation," from strahlen "to radiate," from Strahl "ray;" from M.H.G. strāle; from O.H.G. strāla "arrow,stripe." Ciné "layer," from cin present stem of cidan "to collect, gather;" Mid.Pers. cyn- "to gather, collect," Parthian Mid.Pers. (+*ni-) ncyn- "to pile up, heap up together," nycnyšn "stack;" Av. ci- (caē-, caii-) "to heap up, gather;" cf. Skt. ci- "to gather, heap up," cinoti "gathers." |
streak xaš Fr.: raie, bande, veine 1) A long, narrow mark, smear, band of color, or the like. From M.E. streke, from O.E. strica; akin to O.H.G. strich "line." Xaš "streak, scratch, stria," maybe from xarâš-, xarâšidan "to scratch;" Proto-Ir. *xrāš- "to scratch" (Cheung 2007), or a variant of xatt, → line. |
streak line xatt-e xaš Fr.: ligne d'émission In → fluid mechanics, the curve defined by the positions of all particles which have passed through a given point. In laboratory experiments, streak line may be displayed by the stream of color resulting from injection of a dye into the flow. |
stream 1) râbé; 2) râbidan Fr.: 1) courant, cours d'eau; 2) couler 1) (n.) A general term for any river, brook, rivulet or course of running water. O.E. stream "a course of water;" cf. O.S. strom, O.N. straumr, Dan. strøm, Swed. ström, Norw. straum, Du. stroom, O.H.G. stroum, Ger. Strom "current, river," from PIE base *sreu- "to flow;" cf. Pers. rud, from Mid.Pers. rôd "river;" O.Pers. rautah- "river;" Skt. srotas- "river," sru- "to flow;" Pali sota- "stream, flood;" Gk. rhoos "a stream, a flowing," from rhein "to flow." 1) Râbé, from dialectal Gilaki râbé "flowing of water or liquid,"
Semnâni rové "a stream of water flowing beyond control," Pers. colloquial
râ (in râ gereftan "to overflow, flow beyond control");
probably from PIE base *rei- "to flow;" cf. Skt. ray- "to flow, run,"
raya- "stream;" L. rivus "stream, brook;"
O.C.S. reka "river;" M.Ir. rian "river, way;" Goth. rinnan
"run, flow," rinno "brook;" M.L.G. ride "brook;" O.E. riþ "stream."
stream current jarayân-e râbé Fr.: veine de courant Hydrology: A steady current in a stream or river. |
stream filament rešte-ye râbé Fr.: A → stream tube with a small cross section so that the variation of velocity over it is negligible. |
stream tube lule-ye râbé Fr.: tube de courant A pipe-shaped volume obtained by drawing → streamlines through every point of a closed curve in the fluid. Since the stream tube is bounded on all sides by streamlines and since, by definition, there can be no velocity across a streamline, no fluid may enter or leave a stream tube, except through its ends. See also → stream filament. |
streamer derafšak Fr.: jet, grand jet Any long, narrow piece or thing, as a spray of a plant or a strip of cloud; something that streams. → coronal streamer; → helmet streamer M.E. stremer, from → stream + -er. Derafšak, from derafš "flag, banner;" Mid.Pers. drafš "banner;" Av. drafša- "banner;" cf. Skt. drapsá- "flag, banner; drop, spark;" also Fr. drapeau; It. drappo "flag;" Lith. drapana "dress." |
streaming râbeš Fr.: 2) lecture en transit 1) Fluid mechanics: Any process or instance of flowing. Verbal noun of → stream. |
streamline râbxatt Fr.: ligne de courant An imaginary continuous curve drawn in a fluid so that the tangent at every point of it at any instant of time coincides with the direction of the motion of the fluid at that point. The component of velocity at right angles to the streamline is always zero. If a number of streamlines is considered at a particular instant, the pattern they form gives a good indication of the flow then occurring. Same as → flow line. See also → path line, → stream tube. |
Strehl ratio vâbr-e Strehl Fr.: rapport Strehl The ratio of the peak intensity of the central core of the image of a point source to the corresponding intensity contained in an image obtained in the absence of aberration. An optically perfect system has a Strehl ratio of unity. The ratio may be computed by integrating the area under a → modulation transfer function (MTF) curve and dividing it by the integral over the diffraction-limited MTF. In honor of Karl Strehl (1864-1940), the German physicist and mathematician who introduced the concept; → ratio. |
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